How long before ST reviews a app?

I have so many open/close sensors that I wanted to quickly distinguish the difference hence the icon change. I don’t have to read the discription I just look down the right at the icon, quick and dirty.

You can change customize the icon … of most device types. I suppose that’s not an option for open/close (contact Sensors)… but that’s obviously the solution that should be implemented here.

The “Closure” for custom tile appearances is not an option because it is hard-coded.

But what’s up with “canChangeIcon” flag on a devicetile like this?

That is the first thing I looked for when I wanted to change just the icon. The only choice was change the device type to use these icons.

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Yah… SmartThings needs to enhance several basic device types to allow customization of the icons for each possible state. That way you can use a door icon, window icon, garage door icon, cupboard icon, mousetrap icon, etc, without requiring a full DTH just for the damn icons.

It is very frustrating as even with the open system and I just modified the device type it won’t run local. None of the code I added or should I say replaced needs to be run in the cloud. I prefer to have the alarm run local rather than depending on the cloud. So before I complete the setup for the two garage doors I need to either get ST to allow the change, which might happen with the new integration. Or spend extra money and by ST multiuse sensors. I hate to waste two perfectly good sensors and spend extra cash. But running local is a necessity. I can’t see why the ST device type can have the question “are you using on a garage door” If yes use the Garage Door icon if False the standard open/close icon. This question is part of the MultiSensor configuration, so it isn’t a big deal to add the question.

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Well at least I can now say I am starting the wait in line… I just submitted my first smartapp :grinning:

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