This might help.
Hey guys! I have never done this but am interested in learning how to write/modify a device handler. I started getting my feet wet last year with a little bit of smartapp development so now it’s time to get more up on the device handler side of things. Where are your recommendations for me as far as things to read/watch that could help me start down this road? I am currently interested in the Zigbee, Zwave side of devices. I have looked at the SmartThings Documentation that is available in the IDE thus far.
Thanks for any and all suggestions.
Be aware, however, that most of the IKEA devices are not using a certified profile. Instead, they are what is called “manufacturer proprietary” which means IKEA made up its own way of doing things. Consequently, it may be somewhat harder to write a device type handler for than a certified ZHA or ZLL device. You can find some discussion of these issues in the IKEA thread in the forums:
Yesturday I bought the new IKEA Trådfri smart bulb and remote. Trådfri just launched on selected markets (Sweden, Czech Republic, Italy and Belgium) and will roll out further in April 2017. There are different variants but all can both dim light strength and warmth (ådfri ), are very affordable and has a very high quality feel.
The solution runs on zigbee light link ZLL, same as Philips Hue and I managed to connect the bulb to Smartthings using a Hue device handler and it works perfectly. Since I bought a bulb+remote kit, I also tried to connect the remote. I managed to get the get the hub to recognize the remote as a zigbee button device but the hub does not receive any button events, the only thing I managed to receive was the battery status of t…
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