[OBSOLETE] HomeSeer HS-WD100+ and more (Simple DTH in post 27, advanced feature DTH in post 32)

I’ve updated the WD100+ Device Handler to provide a preference option for double-tap to turn on the light to full brightness. Great suggestion @DennisY. This was a simple change to the device handler and I really like the feature - and that a smart app is not required for this.

I also added preference settings to modify the switch configuration for ramp rates for local and remote actions. For the remote ramp rate configuration, your switch firmware will need to be at least at V5.14. Setting a dim level per duration of 99 will provide a close to instantaneous ramp-up.

I ended up removing the previous workaround to control the remote dim rate in the device handler since it can now be controlled via device config with the new firmware. Unfortunately, this means for those still on older <5.14 firmware there is no longer an option for remote ramp rate configuration. If you need this capability on the older firmware, the old device handler code is still available. I was trying to reduce the DH complexity for maintainability, but please let me know if this causes heartache for anyone still on older firmware versions.

It’s not 100% tested, so please let me know if there are any issues.