Home Monitor: How to configure individual sensors

I have set up a siren and door switch sensor and motion sensor with home monitor for my garden office, and it works great.

I recently added an Arlo doorbell on my house front door so I know when somebody is at the door when I’m working in my office at the bottom of the garden.

I set up the doorbell as part of my office location so I could set up a routine to “ring” on the siren in the office when the doorbell is pressed, rather than have it configured on the house location.

Here’s the problem: The motion sensor of the door keeps triggering the alarm when it’s armed. I can see it showing up as a sensor under home monitor, but it seems that I can only turn on or off all motion sensors and not just this one.

Is there a way to do this?

It isn’t obvious. The slide switch is for toggling between selected sensors and all sensors. If you slide the switch to the left you can click on Use all motion sensors or the text below, or indeed anywhere to the left of the vertical line next to the slide switch, and it will bring up a page to select your sensors.

That’s if you’ve got that far. Many don’t. If you start with the Home Monitor status tile you have to go to the settings cog to get Set up Home Monitor and figure out you can click on or around Security/Monitor for intrusions and then choose Set up {{mode}} sensors for the required mode.


Yeah, it’s just a really confusing set of screens.

Here’s the community FAQ which has a screenshot for each step, so it should help.

FAQ: How to Choose Specific Sensors for Away/Home/Disarmed in STHM?


Ha that’s amazing thank you for all the responses.

Sorted now :slight_smile:

I’m a software developer, and the UI had me fooled!

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