History Missing

It looks like my device history stopped just before 2pm local time (currently 10:15pm in UK) , except for a single report from a custom virtual device that reported 45 minutes ago.

Automations and rules etc seem OK.

Mine at 10 am.
I mentioned it to support-uk at around 1pm in an e-mail on a different topic, but did not receive a reply.

Thanks for reply



I’m on iOS but mine will come back after a few close-open cycles of the app. Just one of the sad new bugs with the newer app update for me.

The event history stopped again today from 4 hours ago, at 6:30 a.m. (utc + 2)
Since July 1, almost every day the history has periods of inactivity and part of the logs are lost in the simple event logger app

History delayed by 24hrs on my virtual devices atm. Galaxy S9 Android 10

I opened a support-uk ticket this morning

The operation of the history has already been recovered, but like previous days, part of the history has been lost. Today 9 hours.