Help: Nest Manager 4.0 Application installation issues

Hi folks (especially @tonesto7 ) -

I seem to have gotten myself into an bit of a pickle with the Nest Manager installation - I was having a problem with OAUTH and so decided to uninstall all @tonesto7 's Nest Manager smartapps, and reinstall.

The problem is that the NST Automation app will not go away, and I cannot delete it from the IDE because it thinks there’s a user that is using it: “This SmartApp can’t be deleted at this time because it is installed by one or more users”

To make matters worse, when I go to the SmartThings app on my mobile, it shows 5 NST Automations installations, and I cannot delete them. (5 may have been the number of times I tried to reinstall the NST Automation code from github.) Whenever I select one of these apps, it tells me there is a problem and doesn’t present me with a REMOVE option.

Looking for some help here, since I cannot proceed (obviously) until I get that app deleted. Screen shots below…

Thanks in advance - Rob

Just figured it out - I was able to remove them in the IDE … > My Locations > List SmartApps (very bottom) > Scroll to the bottom and uninstall the instances after clicking the EDIT button.

Sorry to trouble folks