#@@##$%#$#% Help me not have this happen again (monitor wine cooler?)

I’m so sorry to hear that! I’m also impressed that you make your own cheese! :+1:t4:

Since it has a glass front, signal should be able to get through pretty easily, so you can just put any battery-operated multisensor that does temperature and humidity inside and you should be fine.

(I changed your topic title to include wine cooler, since more people will know what that is and can give you advice on specific models)

As far as Smart apps, if you’re already using core, you can probably do all of this with one piston. Otherwise you could set up several notifications from simpler smart apps, like one for too high and one for too low.

Once you’ve picked a device, you can ask in the core peer advice thread and people will help you set up a piston (that’s what CORE calls individual rules)

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