Hello home smartapp deleted

Can you help I have deleted, good night ,I’m back, goodbye and good morning out of automation can you reinstall them.

Looks like I’m in the same boat as the others here - trying to switch back to the Classic app and can’t add Routines. Can you re-add the Hello Home / Routines for me too?


All set - please consider using scenes / custom automations instead of Routines though.

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Brad_st - can you also help me out?

I added it back.

Thanks. Is there anyway I can control it? The reason I deleted it was that suddenly I wasn’t able to se what scenes/routines activated what. So out the blue everyday at 3.21 all my lights turned on and security was disabled even though I wasn’t at home. After Dalight was deleted only all my lights are turned on upon arrival - I would like that only certain lights are turned on.

Hey brad can you help me out


Hello, I’m in the same boat as others. Accidentally deleted the “Hello Home” app. Would you please re-add it to my account? Thanks.

Same boat as well. Cleaned them out to start over and now Routine is gone.

Support Ticket #871368

I re-added it for you.

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Thanks a lot!

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Hello, I’m in the same issue, deleted the “Hello Home” app. Would you please re-add it to my account? Thanks.

Having same issue. I deleted all routines and now cant create any new. @Brad_ST

Hello, I’m in the same boat as others. Accidentally deleted the “Hello Home” app. Would you please re-add it to my account? Thanks.

Please report this to support.

Brad, Can you please re-add Hello to my Classic App. It got deleted when I had to reset my Hub.

@csheley, please report it to support.

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Brad, I accidentally deleted the Good Morning! routine in the Classics app. Can you help me reinstall?

@5ZVP, that is going to be part of your migration to the new app. Until that, it is just a Routine called Good Morning! what changes location mode to Home. If you haven’t deleted all your Routines in the Classic App, you can still create/add a Routine called Good Morning! or if it is not allowing that, then just called Good Morning, without the !, and set Mode Change to Home. (You will be just unable to change the icon to the yellow sunny one.) Google Home would recognize it with or without the !.

I’m also missing my Hello Home app.
Brad: can you please add it back for me?

Many Thanks