Heat Genius Hub integration?

I’ve just about got a smart app integration into a working state - there’s the smart app and three device handlers here:

Please feel free to download and play, and see if it meets your needs. It’s an integration with the (unpublished) Genius Hub api, which does enough for what I was wanting - I didn’t try to, or even think about trying to, integrate z-wave networks.

A motivation for me was to get the Genius switches operating as simple on/off switches rather than on a schedule - at this time of year we’ve got Christmas lights plugged into one Genius plug and one z-wave plug on SmartThings, and being able to get simultaneous control of both from one button is nice. There’s a setting on the switch device handler to enable this mode.

I’ve added in lux readings to the rooms (at least, I’m assuming the values are lux!) but not the motion readings given that non-realtime data here is pretty pointless. The battery level displayed is the minimum battery level of all devices in the room.