Harmony Home Control

Look under lights… My ST switches and sensors appear there when in activities screen.

Did you buy the “Harmony Ultimate” or the “Harmony Ultimate Home”?

The latter is the new model which includes the ability to integrate with SmartThings whilst the former is the older model (which I have) which will require a firmware update to integrate with SmartThings. This firmware update has not yet been released and will have a nominal cost to acquire when it is.

In the USA, the new “Harmony Ultimate Home” is selling for the same price that “Harmony Ultimate” was, but it’s not available outside the USA just yet.

If you’re in the USA and you’ve just purchased the “Harmony Ultimate” for full price, I’d return it for a refund if you can and get the “Harmony Ultimate Home” instead. Also be aware that Best Buy are offering a $100 credit towards the purchase of the “Harmony Ultimate Home” if you trade in (almost) any other Harmony remote (even an old 555, 556, etc.).

I have the Harmony Ultimate “Home” and unfortunately the local Best Buy (s) doesn’t have any here and offer is available in store only. I have another Harmony One for my bedroom which is eligible for trade in but don’t want to shell out 349 - 100 = 249 for the second one.

I do need two set of remotes: one for my living room and one for the bedroom upstairs. :frowning:

I’m not able to find any information on this trade-in program. Is there a website for this that may have more details? Also, what is the difference between the Ultimate and Ultimate Home?

home has the HA integration…

Search for logitech ultimate home in this community. There is another thread with the link to it.

I bought the Harmony Ultimate Hub for $99. I assumed this is going to be compatible, but seems like it isn’t. I did not see properly before ordering…was too excited I guess. They have so many variations that it got me confused :(. So I guess I will have to wait for a firmware upgrade…

The Harmony Ultimate Hub @ $99 is the old model which will need the as yet unreleased firmware update to integrate with SmartThings.

The new model equivalent is the Harmony Home Hub for $99.99 which should allow integration right now.

Again, if you can return it for a refund and pick up the Harmony Home Hub instead that would probably be the best way to go.

Here’s a summary of the hub based Harmony packages you’ll find in store…

Old models

  • cannot integrate with SmartThings until a firmware update is
    released. Update: Firmware version 4.5.66 (released
    28/5/2015) adds the ability to integrate with SmartThings.

  • all of these models are now deprecated

Harmony Ultimate Hub
Just the hub, no physical remote (use with smartphone/tablet).

Harmony Smart Control
Hub & physical remote; remote does not have LCD screen - buttons only.

Harmony Ultimate
Hub & physical remote; remote has full colour LCD touchscreen.

New models

  • will integrate with SmartThings out of the box.

  • only available in the US at the moment.

Harmony Home Hub
Just the hub, no physical remote (use with smartphone/tablet).

Harmony Home Control
Hub & physical remote; remote does not have LCD screen - buttons only.
Button layout has changed from the earlier model Harmony Smart Control remote.

Harmony Ultimate Home
Hub & physical remote; remote has full colour LCD touchscreen.
Remote appears physically identical to Harmony Ultimate remote
Now available in both black and white; Harmony Ultimate was only available in black.

The hub is the central element across all of these. You can use 1 LCD remote, 1 non-LCD remote and multiple smartphones and/or tablets with a hub. If you just buy the hub now you can add remotes later (assuming Logitech will sell a remote separately - they have for the older Harmony Smart Control remote, but they don’t currently list the new model physical remotes as separate items).

Thanks a lot for clarifying this…i am sure it will help a lot of other folks…for now i have ordered the right hub…i will keep the old one for my game/media room…and upgrade it whenever the firmware upgrade comes…that way i can control my living room with ST for my immediate use and in the long run extend it to my media room…thanks a lot again.

Has anyone had success setting up a simple mode change from their Harmony device? My goal is to be able to hit (or hold) a button on the harmony remote (I currently have an original Harmony Smart Control, so I’ll be waiting for the firmware update) to trigger “Good Night”. Thanks for clarifying!

Has anyone heard of an update from Logitech about the firmware to enable Home features on the older Harmony devices? I can’t find anything on their website regarding it.

I have a Harmony Smart Control Hub and would love to use it to talk to SmartThings.

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I’ve not seen any commitment from them on their forums.
I think they are struggling to get the home hubs working correctly.

I have the Harmony ultimate home which works. But I am waiting on the firmware update too for my older ultimate. No clue as of now.

They have committed to releasing such an update, but have not yet done so.



They are about to beta test the first version 4 firmware for the older hubs, but this first release is only introducing the new firmware architecture (and the new UI on the Harmony Ultimate remote) and some bug fixes, etc. - it will not include the “Home Control” / SmartThings integration yet.


FYI - not unexpected at this point, but it would appear the firmware update for the older hubs to add SmartThings integration has slipped to some time early next year now.

ref: http://forums.logitech.com/t5/Harmony-Hub-Based-Remotes/IFTTT-with-Harmony-Ultimate/m-p/1335395/highlight/true#M16088

The first beta of the version 4 firmware for the old hubs (without SmartThings integration) which I mentioned above is still due to start shortly.

chuckles, obviously you are a member of Harmony Beta. I “joined” the beta program a couple of weeks ago, I thought, and I can log in and see members and even send PM’s but I can’t read the forums. None are listed for me. Any idea why this is the case? I two smart control hubs and would love to test out the integration when the beta comes out.

One of the other guys I PM’d has the same join issue. Can log in but not see any of the forums. I figured maybe they batch approvals but it has been so long… Also, I saw where I can invite 3 three people. Maybe I have to be invited? Thought I would ask here before trying to figure out who on the Harmony beta site to ask what is up.

@ugadog - Yes, I am taking part in the Beta testing, but the information I’m posting here is from the public forums.

Logitech grant access to individual forums when they add you to a Beta test. Did you receive an e-mail response to your request to join, back around the end of October? (You may have just missed the start of the first Beta if you only joined two weeks ago).

If not, I would suggest you try again as the next round will be beginning soon to test the new firmware, per the following post:


I found this thread when hunting for information about how to control my Harmony Hub (not the Home Hub) via SmartThings, because I knew it just had to be a software update. Thanks to all who have compiled info here, this was the best source of information I found. Unfortunately I missed out on the Trade Up program apparently, I have an old One I would have traded for one of the new Home units.

All I really want: a system that can send HTTP API calls to both SmartThings and my home theater IR control, whatever that may be.

I have to say, I am growing really disillusioned with Logitech. I’ve had Harmony products since they were first released, ages ago. I can’t even count how many I’ve had. The thing is, their software has always been iffy – even their software for keyboard/mouse drivers, for example, back in the day I remember it being kind of janky. And I thought the same thing when they released Harmony – brilliant product, just “ok” configuration software execution. Since you rarely used the software though, I could live with it.

Now, though, you’re more dependent on frequent interaction with the software, and it sucks worse than ever. The Harmony iOS app has been a buggy abomination from day 1, and more than once Support has sent me back to the Silverlight-based (and also awful) desktop software to configure something for my Smart Hub because the iOS app couldn’t handle it. It hangs. It crashes. It requires 9 taps to do something simple. It has 5+ layers of menus that aren’t intuitive.

And now, I’m waiting months and months for a firmware update for my Hub that I bought just 45 days before the Home Hub came out. Technology getting replaced is obviously the nature of the beast in many regards, but when you have these appliance-like hubs and most of the changes are in software, you’re supposed to be able to get a lot of the goods through software updates. THAT is what keeps me coming back to manufacturers like Apple, because they keep adding value, and (usually) don’t create artificial limits just to force me to buy new things or because they’re dicks. Logitech seems to just take things away – fewer activity buttons on the latest remotes? An 8-device limit, and it counts Zone 2 and Zone 3 on my receiver as individual devices? WTF. I’m just about done with Logitech, but I haven’t found a better solution yet.

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The remotes are simply horrible even on the homes! I use the harmony app in iphone or ipad coz I cannot see anything on the remote in a dark room. The resolution is horrible and don’t get me started on the placement of buttons. And it looks like a phone on a cradle. I still love the old harmony one.