Hampton Bay Zigbee Fan controller

This controller gave wacky results for me when in certain dip switch settings. From the remote, it would turn the lights on/off when switching to different speeds. Changing the dips completely corrected this. Give it a try!

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Iā€™m surprised the tech didnā€™t mention this! Iā€™ll certainly give this a try this weekend. So there are 6 dip switches, all are on the up position, should I lower 1 down?

Try lowering #1 2 and 3. Iā€™m pretty sure that is working for me on at least 1 unit. make sure the controller and remote match.

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Posted this to another thread but not sure if that one is still activeā€¦

I setup 2 of the Hampton Bay controllers. They both work fine with the remote controls. They pair to the app, I can see them on the web and change the controller to the KOF Zigbee Fan Controller type (I tried the Github integration and also tried copying / pasting into my own repo), but the child devices never show up. My screen looks like this:

Iā€™ve done the delete device stuff on the settings screen, but it doesnā€™t change anything. I donā€™t have any apps associated to it (deleted the Alexa app so it would update). The app doesnā€™t really do much, sometimes if I mess with it enough it will adjust the lights, sometimes it will turn off the fan (if it was on) but overall itā€™s not working, not to mention most of the buttons are missing. Iā€™m using iOS ST app. It shows connected in the ST web app.

The remote works perfectly. All functions, even dimming work over the remote. All my other ST devices work as well. I even tried adding a Sylvania Smart Plug as a repeater in case that was an issue but it made no difference. I have 3 of these controllers and they all have the identical issue.

I have no doubt I messed up something, but not sure what. Any ideas what I could do from here to troubleshoot?

Thanks in advance!

Maybe an overly basic question - did you create all three device handlers in the IDE?

lol, nothing is too basicā€¦ :slight_smile: . Yes I created all three from Github dcoffing/KOF-CeilingFan master branch and published them all.

Odd. If you havenā€™t already, you could switch the DH to something random and then back, to see if it re-initiates the child devices. The next step Iā€™d try is to remove, reset and re-pair the fan and see if theyā€™re created when the DH is identified automatically. Beyond that Iā€™m out of ideasā€¦

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Yup. Iā€™ve done that multiple times. Iā€™m sure the code is getting into the system because I tried changing the version number temporarily and saw it change on the mobile ST app. Iā€™ve re-paired all the fans about 10+ times. Tried doing the delete children / save routine. I ordered a Wink hub to see if I can operate the fans w/Wink instead of ST. I really just want it to be able to use the fans with Alexa. Although it would be nice to have the lights turn off automatically when I leave, or at night (esp in the kidsā€™ room).

Thanks again

Iā€™ve scrolled through several threads on this and I have a question. I already installed this controller in my fan, downloaded the ST Classic app, and got everything working properly. Question is, should I uninstall the newer ST app or is it OK to leave both of them installed? Will it affect the use of Google Assistant to control things?

You can leave them both, but most of your custom devices will only work with the old app.

Thank you, sir.

As a new SmartThings user, I had a lot of stumbling blocks getting this fan controller working in my SmartThings/Alexa ecosystem.

Being a maker, I compiled some notes on what worked in my environment and would like to share them with those who are having trouble.

I hope this helps someone:


Has anybody found a way to seamlessly reset the dimmer level when I turn the fan light OFF? I can reset it when I turn in on (using webcore) but that overrides whatever dim setting I am trying to set with google home. Very frustrating.

Set up a virtual device and control that with your Google Home instead of the device directly. Them set the virtual device to trigger the actual device however you want it to.

Can you explain in more detail? Iā€™m having a hard time how that resolves the issue. If I turn the light off at 15% dim the device remembers that setting. When I say ā€œBedroom light onā€ Iā€™d like it to go to 100% and override the previous level, but go directly to 15% when I say ā€œBedroom light 15%ā€

Not sure if that is possible. I have lots of dimmable devices and they all turn on to the last dim level by default. Normally it would be a desirable behavior. The only way I have gotten around that is some devices have hardware properties that allow you to fix the dim level so that they turn on to the same preset each time - for instance I do that in the bath because normally you want it at 100%. I think you would have to modify the DTH to have this done in software because there arenā€™t any hardware settings you can make with this device AFAIK.

Otherwise you could just get used to saying ā€œbedroom light 100%ā€ but thatā€™s clunky.

I canā€™t believe this would fix anything more than wearing a foil hat while doing a ritual sacrifice in the back yard would, LOL. Just reading this three months after the fact so I assume you either got it to work or you gave up.

But, I found that the Hampton Bay controller doesnā€™t work with all fans because it depends on how the fan is designed to function. Way up in the thread here I had issues and in my case it was because the fan was designed to be controlled with capacitive controls and this controller doesnā€™t work that way. Might not be your issue but it sure sounds like it could be - if so Iā€™d look at going with the BOND device which gives you Alexa/Google control but only limited state control and (still) no direct ST integration but it does have the plus of just working with the existing old school wireless hardware instead of a retrofit. I liked it enough that I use it with all my fans now.

You could use a virtual dimmer/switch and when turned ON, run a WebCore or other rule to turn on FAN Light and set Level to 100

Are you suggesting to set a routine so that when I say ā€œturn on bedroom lightā€ it activates the virtual switch but when I say ā€œbedroom light 15%ā€ it activates the actual dimmer?

Iā€™m trying to pair it right nowā€¦