Halo Smart Smoke Detector

When the fix is applied will I need to remove and re-add? They’re still unresponsive in the new app for me.

Either that or PM me and I should be able to manually fix it after we release the fix (targeting Tuesday).

Do you know if there is a way to enable to the Halo+ detector to play the weather radio in the new ST app like it can in the classic app?

You just need to set it in the classic app once, and then it will work forever.

I have done that but in the classic app I can turn it on to hear it but I don’t see that available in the new app.

I see what you mean. It’s not possible, but it will automatically turn on and broadcast significant weather events

The remaining issue I mentioned earlier about some Halos reporting 0% humidity should be fixed now. Also the issue that @mvevitsis reported with the Halo Plus not working in the new app because it wasn’t generating events should also be fixed.

@edden Do you play the weather radio by pressing “Station 1”? I’m not very familiar with that part of it’s functionality.


In the classic app I choose the station and there is a play icon that I press and the station starts to play. Sometimes I have to switch stations as sometimes station 3 is better than station 4.

Once you set the station in settings in the classic app, pressing the station number tile on the main page turns the radio on and off. I don’t see how we would add another switch to the new app, since it already has one for the light, unless you added a custom capability

What is the process to migrate the Halo’s from the classic app to the new app? I’ve searched these threads and can find nothing and I know that according to Samsung support, they were never supported (which I know is false) so they are no help. Any guidance is greatly appreciated.

They work in the new app, but they’re missing the ability to silence the alarm or toggle the radio etc. from the new app

Since the dth was never open sourced, smartthings would be responsible for adding these capabilities back.



Also in the new app they no longer announce which detector alarmed like they did before.

@tpmanley i had quite a concerning “test” last night. We set off one of our interconnected smoke alarms during some DIY house work. We cleared the smoke/dust and it wasn’t until later that I realized I never got an alert from Halo/SmartThings. My wife said she saw the Halo flashing red when the alarm was going off. I looked at the logs this morning and indeed Halo shows an interconnected smoke alarm, but the new app never gave an alert or ran my SmartThings Home Monitor configuration. Is the DTH not passing interconnected alarms through to the smoke capability?

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What?! This is very concerning. All my smokes/CO’s are Halo’s, and I hope ST didn’t break something on the back end for these. With everything else going on with the platform, mobile app, and other bugs right now, I definitely do not need to start worrying about devices that use to work but now all of a sudden don’t.

Yeah, nothing in the new app for the same time range shown above

Hi Jimmy,

I’m taking a look at this. It looks like we’ve always treated smoke/CO events that the Halo reports via interconnect differently than smoke/CO events that the primary device detects itself. I suspect that these events might never have worked with SHM(!) since they’re different than “real” smoke/CO events, but I’m going to work on a fix that will get them to be reported the same (in a way that will display in the new app/work with SHM).

Thanks for pointing this out.


Awesome. Thanks for your prompt response @steven.green


Thanks @steven.green, thanks for letting us know.

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As an update:

I’ve written a fix for this, tested it myself, and merged it in. It should go live on Tuesday.

It’s the same update for both Halo and Halo Plus.

Interconnected smoke or CO detectors will continue send any events they would have sent before, but in addition will now send a full smoke or CO event. Also, I discovered that there was a “pre-event” for Smoke that would also not have been surfaced in the new app correctly either, so that’s been upgraded to a full Smoke event.

Thanks for finding this.


Thanks Steven!

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