I’ve got thingspeak and ST Set up to graph temps from my thermostat, but I’d like to use thingspeak to graph when the furnace or AC is on and off over time. Anyone know how to do that, and willing to walk me through it?
Have you looked at https://xively.com ? I use it to plot temperature data from my 3M-50 WiFi thermostat (http://www.radiothermostat.com/filtrete/products/3M-50/).
How are you doing the temp now?
How did you use xively to graph this? I would like to set this up to graph mine. Thanks!
@col Hack - Are you able to share you code on how you set up the xively ?
Please see my “Xively Integration” project: http://build.smartthings.com/projects/xively/
This app will write temperature data from selected temperature sensor to Xively data stream. You could further extend it for example by creating a virtual temperature sensor and pushing your (non-ST) thermostat temperature data using custom REST endpoint. You can also add other data streams, e.g. heater on/of status, etc.
Wow, that’s pretty darn cool Col. Hack. Any suggestions on what I would need to change to be able to graph the heater on/off status as well? I have the temp graphing now. Thanks!
See new thread here: http://build.smartthings.com/forums/topic/logging-thermostat-status-to-xively/