Google Home to Arm/Disarm ADT Hub?

I have a google home and would like to arm/disarm my adt SmartThings hub by voice command, similar to how you can do with an Alexa according to the below article

Anyone know if it’s possible?

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You can do it with ADT tools and giving Google home the ability to call a routine that pushes the bitton for the wanted mode. I wouldn’t do it for disarming though as google home does not have a extra step for validation

Thanks, Mav
Do you know of a good tutorial on how to use apps like your ADT Tools on mac?
I’m a complete newb to this world and don’t even know where to start.

Hi Mavrrick,
I apologize to waste your time. I’m a noob (even to this discussion board) so I’ll be incredibly quick. I’m hoping to configure my Google Home to Arm/Disarm my ADT Hub. I tried to publish a few of your repositories to my IDE profile but I’ve obviously missed some or several steps. Do you have a step by step guide for rookies like me (or even a YouTube clip somewhere)?
Thanks for putting up with me,

There is a wiki for ADT Tools 2 on . You can start there