Global Suite has a serious problem getting this right as they are using Tuya to create access it looks like. If you go to Tuya, Global Suite, Smart Life and I’ll bet there are others you’ll see that they are using the same interface. I’ll bet it’s just user name and password all getting stored in the same Tuya database and from there it decides what vendor to hook your app up to. I’m sure any Tuya type device will hook up to any of the apps. I’ve tried a few and yes they can be added to any app. Bottom line is I’ll bet dollars to donuts that Global Suite isn’t really even involved in the cloud to cloud interface between the Tuya/Global Suite apps and Smartthings app, it’s Tuya/Smartthings.
If I’m right it will be out sometime in March, just not sure about the year so don’t hold your breath. It’s coming but so is Christmas, I’ll bet on Christmas.
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