Gear S2 app

I don’t deny that is a powerful watch. And maybe I could understand the SmartThings’ app delay,but what about Pay? That, I consider unacceptable, since it was advertised at launch as compatible and the small print was too small to notice that it was a future release :frowning:

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Yeah, I’ll grant you not having Pay is annoying, but honestly, in the brief time I’ve had Pay on my S6 Edge, I’ve used it a handful of times - still not a lot of compatible POS terminals in my area. :frowning:

Honestly, I’m also less concerned about the app right now as the majority of my ‘manual’ manipulation of lights/modes in my house now happens through Alexa on the Amazon Echo. :slight_smile:

I got a Gear S2 last week and I’m loving it. Can’t wait for the Smartthings app. Hoping allows for presents/geo fencing.


Really? I really like it. The only store I cannot use it is Lowes. And plus, I enjoy when I am getting ready to use my phone and the people behind the counter tell me “Oh we don’t have that, you cannot use it”. And after it goes through I tell them, yeah, this is not Apple Pay is Samsung! :slight_smile:


Samsung Pay works at just about any terminal that you can swipe or tap. Try it…it will work.

so where is the app ?


another critical bug? o.o

I got my Gear S2 because I heard of the Smartthings Tizen app coming through the pipeline.

Developers: Clarity is more important than certainty! Let us know where you are in the development cycle. It’s more painful to be left starved of information than it is to hear that there’s an issue that’s preventing release. Let us know that this app is being actively worked on.


Desperate to know when Gear S2 Tizen version will be ready. April has long gone.

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@Tyler any updates?

Don’t hold your breath.

how, just how does it take so damn long, been hearing from samsung staff since october that it will be ready any day now. a few twitter posts on samsungs wall usually gets a few answers, lies i know but atleast you hear something.

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The app is complete and it has passed Samsung QA. We’re currently submitting it to the Gear S store.

We’re closer than we’ve ever been! Thanks for your continued patience.


Thanks for the update.

Whats going to really be the kick in the ypu know what is when that app comes out and all it turns out to be is the Gear s1 app for circle display lol

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Are you sure you’ve never worked for Samsung? :slight_smile:

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it’ll get rejected by gear s app reviewers lol


Or thats what they will tell us

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If approval process for new apps is anything like SmartThings, we are just months away from getting this app on our wrists.


And when it does come out it will work great, then stop working completley after two weeks…like smartthings.