FYI: Classic App ending soon?

Me thinks classic app support is ending soon. Talked to Smarthings tech support, and I’m still using the Classic App. Tried the new one, didn’t like that I couldn’t see all my devices on one page…about 60 of them. An easy way to check if nay lights are left on, or a particular thing is not connected
Was told everyone will be transitioned over early next year.
I don’t have too many “programed” things, (Iris, Inovelli, stuff esp) but am still wondering if they will also work…
I had another response from tech support, too: "After the recent update on the Classic app (Circle icon) has removed the routine feature. I suggest you to use SmartThings New app (snowflake icon) for creating this automation.

This IF and THEN feature is only in New SmartThing app"
So, at least we finally get the “if…than” we have needed for 3-4 years. Still not sure I like everything organized by rooms.

I’m sure I have over 1000 rules. This is going to be fun! Not


They’ve been saying this for two years now.

Too many things in a lot of setups that still don’t work.


I wouldn’t be surprised. New app is finally 90% feature parity.


Those last 10 yards though…


Routines are still available to use and make in the latest iOS version of the SmartThings Classic app, v2.18.1 as of writing this. I don’t use the SmartThings Classic app for Andriod, but the Routines feature is also shown in the screenshots for the November 29 2019 update of the app on the Google Play Store.

So, what was SmartThings tech support talking about?

There is an issue where if you delete all your routines or don’t have any then the Routine section disappears


Once they allow custom DTH’s I’ll get over the interface change. We all had to go from Win98 to Win10 and still live to tell about it :wink:
My @RBoy DHT’s and @ArstenA (et al) DTHs need to migrate

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standard capabilities/functionality with custom DTH works fine

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Rachio still does not work for me. AFAIK it’s using standard capabilities. Maybe it’s my set-up but none of the zones or controller will open in the Connect app. And it’s not even a custom DTH as it’s officially supported.

Speed is still a serious issues in Connect too. At least for me.

ah, I don’t have my Rachio connected to ST, so wasn’t aware. That’s a curious case. It was listed in Classic last i checked, but isn’t on the WWST list and isn’t listed in the new app.

Wow, I use Rachio, but not the integration…very much.

Interesting. I had not noticed that.

It’s not a huge deal as the Rachio native app does everything very well. More of an annoyance really.


Ah yes, I see more things are reporting now. The virtual dimmers don’t work but maybe I can find a supported virtual decice that will report. Oddly my new Sansung Q70 tv is offline and not happy and yet it’s got ST built in.

On the Custom DTH front a interesting thing i noticed today. The new developer workspace environment actually directs us to the Groovy IDE to create custom hub connected device handlers for devices directly connected. This simply means groovy isn’t going anywhere.

As far as Rachio goes is that a cloud connected setup, or does it connect directly to the hub via Zwave or Zigbee. If it is a cloud connected device then they will likely need to launch there own platform to support the new environment.

Rachio is cloud.

Groovy doesn’t seem to be going anywhere for DTH…yet. I’d guess if would disappear for SmartApps before DTH.


Let’s not go down this route again. Some may would/should work…

The list of supported capabilities is still a joke. Some official DH’s capabilities are not even listed. (audioNotification) None of the camera related capabilities are supported. But we have Body Mass Index Measurement (proposed), defined in units of kg/m^2, what is somewhat weird considering the definition of Body Mass Index calculation Body mass index - Wikipedia
Or Tvoc Measurement - The level of total volatile organic compounds detected (live), probably the most used capability in history.
But if you scroll along the supported capabilities you can see still a lot of proposed ones, what should impact daily home automation use, like Window shade or any Playback modes, Audio Volume. Most of the genuine Samsung device related capabilities are even proposed, related to fridge, oven, air conditioning, robot vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, washer or dryer.

The discrepancies has been noted multiple times and we have discussed, it is worked on. And we are waiting. If Samsung pulls the plug on the classic app, they will lose a bunch of people to HE. As they do with the low level of first line support and non-documented, ghost bugs. And they can be happy with the common users who might have maximum 5 devices. But building a home automation platform on people with 5 devices seems to a bit narrow use of the current available technologies and possibilities.

That 90% is more like a 50%. But what is supported in the new app, that works well, if the backend or UX plugin is not broken. Or the app doesn’t say network error. Or you haven’t hit one of the untold limits.

The newly added devices are awesome, nobody can question that.

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