I actually thought pstuart’s use of hater was intended to be funny.
Most of these frustrations could be resolved with information and firm dates for fixes to be released. Right now we have to keep checking back which is a waste of time and kind of frustrating. I’m thinking of posts like this one that suggest we check back tomorrow, four days ago. Actions not showing in Harmony Hub Control
Or the Android 1.6.8 release that said it finally fixed the Jawbone Up24 brokenness. It didn’t. As the thread asks me to do, I’ve been staying tuned since Nov 13. Emailing support didn’t give any ETAs, rather just a “Unfortunately that fix didn’t quite make it into the latest Android release – that release note is mistake. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, and sorry for the inconvenience.”
Simply a list of known issues with dates to have fixes released would solve a lot of the frustration in the community as folks keep returning to see what works and what doesn’t. And I would suggest removing blog posts and marketing which promote functionality that has not worked for a long time, Harmony and Jawbone come to mind. Harmony ain’t cheap. It’s not a good welcome experience for a new SmartThings user to buy one and find out that it does not integrate as advertised with ability for SmartThings to control Harmony Actions.
Just the facts, please!