Fridgidare Smart A/C

As mentioned above, I have this window unit and like it, but I usually just use it with Alexa voice controls. Getting it to integrate with anything else is a lot of work.


The homebridge solution mentioned above is for people who are already using Apple HomeKit. It’s not to bring it into smartthings unless you are also using homebridge to bring smartthings into Apple HomeKit. So that would really be a lot of work and require additional hardware as well as code. And you have to have an iPhone and you have to have a HomePod mini or an Apple TV 4 just to get the HomeKit side working.

If you’re already using apple’s HomeKit then the Homebridge option might make sense, but otherwise I think not. But obviously that’s up to you.

You can talk to people using smartthings with homebridge in the following thread:

[RELEASE] Homebridge SmartThings v2.0

integration using Alexa as an intermediary

As an alternative, You can use the free Alexa app (You need an Amazon account, but not an echo device) to create an Alexa routine (not a smartthings routine) that can turn the air conditioner on or off or set it to a specific temperature.


And you could combine that with a virtual switch in smartthings to trigger that routine.

But it’s a limited one-way integration. If someone controls the air conditioner with voice or its own remote or at the wall smartthings won’t know that that happened. So I don’t know if that’s of any use to you or not. But it is probably the easiest least expensive way to set up a partial integration between this model and smartthings. :thinking: