FLEXi Lighting - a flexible system for lighting scenes (Hues, dimmers, and switches)

What are the exact steps to remove the bridge from the Hue connect smartapp so it can be associated with the Flexi hue SmartApp? I can’t make this work.

JD -

are you asking how to remove the existing / stock hue bridge? I believe that it will be deleted when you remove the hue connect smartapp.

Once you’ve done that (you should have no hue smartapp, hue bridge, or hue lights), make sure you’ve installed the flexiHue bridge and flexiHue bulb device types. Then run the flexiHue (hue connect) smartapp. It will find the hue bridge and lights in the same way the stock hue connect app does.

If this doesn’t answer your question, let me know.

I get an error message when I try to uninstall Hue Connect.

Have you tried removing the bridge device? Have you removed all of the hue lights?

if so, what error does the IDE log show you?

Found it. Thanks. :sunglasses: One of those days…

The code that’s available has a mistake for flexi scenes. It has the same code as flexi triggers. I think it needs correcting. I have been able to use the scenes app

Hey guys -

Here’s the link to my SmartThings stuff on GitHub. It has all the right code.


Any reason why this wouldn’t work on a v2 hub? I just finished nuking my config on my v1 and made this the first thing I tried setting up on the v2 instead of using the regular SmartThings Hue Connect. Created the smartapps and device types and copied the code. Installed the FlexiHue Connect Service Manager. It found my bridge and my bulbs. They got added to my things list, but none are the bulbs are controllable (won’t turn on/off etc). Did I miss something? Do I need to manually change the device type to using the FlexiHue one?

Yes. You need to (a) remove the existing hue lights and service manager (the standard Hue connect app) and then (b) install and use the flexiHue Connect app - it will install all of your hue lights as FlexiHue devices. You can then uses the scenes and trigger apps.

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That’s what I did. I was starting from a brand new hub with no smartapps or devices installed. I installed the FlexiHue connect app, it found and connected to my bridge and installed my bulbs as things. But when I try to control those things (on/off/dim) nothing happens.

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Are you using the flexiHue trigger and scene apps?

If so, try cycling the power of both the ST hub and the Hue hub.

I tried cycling the power, but I could try again. I didn’t even get around to installing the scene or trigger app yet as I stopped when I saw I couldn’t even turn my bulbs on/off from the list of things within the smartthings app.

Still not working. I checked the live log when trying to turn off one of the Hue bulbs and got this:

9:18:19 AM EDT: warn NOT PROCESSED: [{“error”:{“type”:5,“address”:"/lights/9/state",“description”:“invalid/missing parameters in body”}}]

9:18:19 AM EDT: trace FLEXiHue BRIDGE, OTHER

9:18:17 AM EDT: debug FLEXiHue(Fireplace 1): Executing ‘Off(transitionTime)’

Another interesting troubleshooting tidbit:

The SmartThings app appears to be showing the correct state of the lights. When I tried turning a couple bulbs off (that were on and also shown as on in SmartThings) and another 2 bulbs on (that were off and shown as off in SmartThings) that states changed accordingly in the SmartThings app, but the bulbs did not actually turn on/off. I let it sit like that for a while (the states in the SmartThings app being opposite the actual on/off state of the bulbs) and after awhile some stuff showed up in the live log (like the bulbs were polled or something) and the states in the SmartThngs app updated to reflect the actual states of the bulbs. It still won’t actually let me turn them on or off though.

I got it working. I was using the app and device type code from one of the later links you posted. When I went back to your original link in your first post and used the code from there for the apps and device types it is now working. I’m a little confused about exactly how the scene and trigger apps work though. I think I have the scenes figured out. You create a mode for every scene you want and when you switch to that mode (through whatever means) that scene is “activated”. After that you can switch to any other mode and that scene’s settings are saved by each bulb device. Right?

So then I get to the trigger app and I don’t understand how that relates to the scenes. I don’t see anyway to specify/trigger a mode change that would trigger a scene. I see an option for “push mode change” with yes/no choices, but no place to specify what to change the mode to and it doesn’t seem to do anything whether yes or no is selected. Other than the abort options (which are useful) how is the trigger app any different than creating and running one of the smarttthings routines (which at least lets you change the mode)?


Thanks for the update. I’m glad that you got it working. But I’m a little confused as to which code you’re using - can you explain?

The scenes app handles changing of the light scenes when the mode changes. The trigger app handles turning the lights on within any particular scene (from either motion or contact open) or lights off (from either no motion or contact closed).

The trigger app can control Flexihue lights, Flexidimmer lights, and standard on/off lights.

I handle the mode changes using basic ST routines or using SmartTiles.

Hope this helps.


That clears it up a bit. Originally I followed the github link you posted on October 10th, assuming it was the latest code with changes/fixes (if any). That’s what wasn’t working. When I followed the github link from your original post from May 2nd it took me to a different page with different app/device type versions. When I copied the code from those it worked for me.


Thanks a lot Chris. I’ll check out what the problem is with the new version.

One more question: What does the option “push mode change” in the FlexiTriggers app do?

Thanks for this awesome work! It’s going to be integral to my migration to v2. :slight_smile:

FYI, it looks like this revision of the FLEXi_Scenes app sort of blew that app away and replaced it with a similar-but-not-identical copy of the FLEXi_Triggers app.