FAQ: Where can I see who's home and who's away in the new V3 app?

To address this gap, I just wanted to share that I used WebCore to provide that information to me. I wrote a piston the goes through all my presence devices and just SMS myself with the status of each sensor by clicking the weblink for the piston. The idea of creating all these dummy status devices is anathema to me - I want to know the actual device values, not something that could get out of sync if there is some other failure in the ST ecosystem.

EDIT: updated to show date + time

Regarding the @presenceList, because of all the changes now happening to the actual presence devices, I now keep a global variable of presence devices in an array indexed by the person who is represented by the phone (e.g. if my phone is the second array element, I have another variable @glenPhone=2 that lets me reference the device as an arrayItem in the code), rather than explicitly reference the physical device which I have to keep changing every time new ST farts out a new presence device.

In the define section of any piston referencing a specific presence sensor, I create device variable(s) that reference the @presenceList by the @userPhone reference, and I use those variables in place of the device.

For example, this piston that let’s me know my wife is close to home (to put up dinner, of course – get your mind out of the gutter!) :slight_smile:

The only downside with this is when new ST does pass gas (in addition to add the new device to the WC smartapp, update the @presenceList and any index that changed), I have to restart each piston so it subscribes to the new device (I don’t know of a way to tell WebCore to resubscribe all pistons, that would be helpful in this use case. EDIT: @SergL gave me this idea which works great: Phone mobile presence - #19 by SergL ) This also solves the presence device hunt if I replace my phone with a new one.

Hope all this helps.