Just use any of the custom lighting smart apps that you like. There are several new versions of dim and dimmer, and there’s trendsetter, which is very popular. Or just core which gives you the most options of all.
CoRE (now WebCore) is a very powerful community – created rules engine for SmartThings. It allows you to set up stacked conditionals like “If A then B but only while C and not if D.”
Setting it up can be quite complex, but there are many community members who will be glad to help you.
For example, here is a piston that one member created to notify him if the dog had already been fed twice that day and he picked up the dog bowl for a third time. He needed this because he has a large family and people didn’t always remember whose turn it was to feed the dog.
The original version of CoRE Has now been replaced by a new version, WebCoRE, which moves the data entry to a web interface. This allows for flexibility and an architecture that requires more memory than is av…
You can find the others on the quick browse lists for lighting in the smartapp section in the community – created wiki:
And of course you’ll need a device type handler for the homeseer switch:
So I’ve been keeping an eye out for HomeSeer’s homegrown light switches and dimmers for a while…they are finally in Z-Wave Smart Dimmers, Switches & Fan Controllers | HomeSeer
The are competitively priced and offer 2/3 tap scene control…now for my question:
There is this disclaimer at the bottom of the order page…(IMPORTANT: HS-WD100+ and HS-WS100 provide instant status feedback and double-tap, triple-tap, press & hold functionality using the Z-Wave “central scene” command class. The feature is supported by all HomeSeer systems, including HS3 software and HomeTroller controllers. If you’re using another brand of controller, be sure to check with that manufacturer to see if the central scene features are supported.)
I couldn’t find anything in the forums that said if ST was “central scen…
Ask any additional follow-up questions specific to the homeseer switch in that thread.
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