FAQ: How does TuyaSmart Integration work? [Updated 2023]

In the web portal if you open the device and click on the on/off button it will bring it on line.

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2023 Update

All of the above still applies except that you can no longer create virtual devices through the IDE. But there are several alternatives that do work with the new Architecture. Here’s the FAQ on those if anyone needs it:

FAQ: Creating Virtual Devices with the new architecture (Without the IDE) (2023)

Integration of Tuya “Tap-to-Run” automations (scenes) into SmartThings for non-supported devices no longer works using the Tuya app and Tuya integration. Previously made integrations are still working, but that could change.

I contacted Tuya customer service and was basically told this type of integration with SmartThings was never supported.

With some experimenting I found that Tap-to-Run integrations can still be made if you use some of the other Tuya platform apps like Smart Life, Globe Electric, Gosund, Bardi Smart, etc. This could change.

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Hmmmmm…. :thinking:

I have a friend with tuya and smartthings who also got in touch with tuya support, and they were told that future integrations would be based on matter. But no specific dates for that integration.

So when you say “not working,” does it mean that newly created tap to run scenes created in the Smartlife app do not appear in the Smartthings app, or do they appear as devices but fail to run? I’m curious because I currently have 3 tap to run scenes that appear as ST devices and work well for me and I want to know what to expect if I try to add an additional tap to run scene in Smartlife.

I just created two Tap to Run scenes in Smartlife to switch my thermometer from F to C and vice versa. Those scenes appear in ST as devices and when I press the on/off button on the ST device, the Smartlife scenes execute, regardless of whether the device is being turned on or off.

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As of today existing Tuya/Smart Life “Tap-to-Run” integrations continue to work.

Newly created Tuya Tap-to-Run (scenes) do not show up in SmartThings when you run the Tuya integration (add partner devices).

If you want to integrate a new “Tap-to-Run” scene into SmartThings add your Tuya devices to one of the many Tuya platform apps other the Tuya app. I am guessing there are at least a dozen Tuya platform apps.

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Did you see my post just before yours? “Tap to Run” scenes created in Smartlife showed up in ST as devices (specifically cloud-cloud switches) and work.

No I didn’t see your post.

So, I did some additional testing and the Smart Life App integrated using Smart Life “Tap-to-Run” integration does in fact work.

The Smart Life app integrated using the Tuya integration does not work.

I will go back and revise my earlier posts.

Thanks for pointing that out


I find that only certain types of device are found e.g. AC infra red remotes using a Tuya blaster. They are recognised with the ST tile icon for AC.

TBH not many of my Tap to run scenes ever worked well in ST anyway.