FAQ: Exact remote needed to reset Hue bulbs? (UK)

After months of not using the ‘smart’ of my Hue bulbs 4 x coloured gu10 @ £200, I bought this device and included them straight to ST. Brilliant, many thanks!!! One question, can I now use the remote to change the colour as well as ST?

hey this method is to reset hue bulb/strips that was previously connected to bridge right? how about my existing strips that are connected to ST but i want to connect to hue bridge now? can it be paired when i unpair from ST?

I’m curious about this as well.

Same issues and the same methods regardless of whether the devices were ever previously connected to a hue bridge or not. The question is what is zigbee channel is your SmartThings hub (that the directly connected devices have been using) set to.

If that channel is one of the ZLL channels, then you can reset the device with any of the ZLL methods described above, including a Hue dimmer switch.

but if your SmartThings hub is on one of the ZHA channels that is not also a ZLL channel, such is zigbee channel 14, then any zigbee device which has been talking directly to the smartthings hub is also on channel 14, and it won’t hear a ZLL device. So then if you want to reset it so you can move it to a different coordinator, you will have to get either the old Philips remote or the Dresden device discussed upthread. Or get someone in the US to send you the Lutron connected bulb remote.

So the first thing to do is go into the IDE, look at the information for your hub, and see what zigbee channel it is using.

I can confirm that the round Philips remote can steal back the bulbs from ZHA 1.2 (connected to ST v. 2 hub) to ZLL (connected to Hue hub). Easy as pie.

I am not sure what Zigbee channel my bulbs were but all five came back to life as ZLL bulbs.

it seems these round Phillips remotes are not available anywhere now.
I need to reset 2 Hue Bulbs.
These were working fine with ST but after a factory reset and rebuild of my ST system, they are no longer recognised.
Does anyone have a round remote they no longer need?

Question for anyone who might have an Echo Plus in combination with Hue bulbs - I initially connected my Hue white’s to my Echo Plus, but realizing that there is no back and forth between ST and Alexa (I can’t use ST to control lights paired to Alexa) I’ve decided to unpair my lights and move them to ST directly.

Alexa has a built in Reset for Hue Lights, that I can verify works since it blinks the lamp, but is a bit finnicky with re-pairing to anything. Indeed, when I initially got these bulbs, I had to reset them and immediately shut off the lamp quickly after reset to keep them from getting mixed up and not discovered.

Has anyone tried using reset through Alexa and then successfully paired to ST?

I had three bulbs that got stuck on the Hue Hub that should have been on the ST.

I purchased the Philips Remote for £19.99 from Argos and managed to get them back onto ST after managing to do the factory reset - this seemed reliable if not a bit long winded.

The ‘Lutron LZL-4B-WH-L01 Connected Bulb Remote’ is supposed to able to do this aswell, but I think this is no longer produced

When putting the bulbs back onto ST, first time round they simply appeared as a Thing and didn’t work, but changing the type to Zigbee Hue bulb in the IDE, doing a second reset on the bulb and adding again, bought them in correctly. I then deleted the Thing entry and everything works fine now

Hope this helps somebody

I’ve had success resetting 2x Hue bulbs today with the Philips dimmer switch:

Both had been connected for months directly to my SmartThings v2 UK hub, but stopped working after the 20.17 firmware update. I was able to reset them even though they were on zigbee channel 14, which I believe is not one of the ZLL channels.

See my thread here for more details:

Thanks to @JDRoberts for the suggestion to try it!

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