FAQ: 2021 Central Alarm Monitoring?

Short answer: no.

Longer answer: no, and they appear to have dropped support for the partnership they did have with ADT, while ADT has gone on to buy another company, now called ADT Blue, to act as their DIY line.

Even longer answer: Smartthings is still primarily a cloud-based system and too unreliable to be of interest to most security partners. The dual logo ADT system was an attempt to address the deficiencies by creating unique hardware that would be able to use a cellular communications module to the monitoring center as well as operate locally to arm and disarm. But it’s not really enough to compete with Ring and Abode in the low cost tier. So I just don’t think it’s ever going to happen, at least with the current architecture.

Alternative: if you are OK with the limitations of the cloud-based architecture, and understand that you cannot get any notifications at all, even on your own phone, unless the Internet is available and the smartthings cloud is working, then there is a custom integration with Noonlight which is worth looking at. There is a monthly subscription fee, and again, you can only get notifications sent to the monitoring center if the cloud is working, but there is a monitoring center. Quite a few community members have combined it with Konnected.io to add inexpensive hardwired sensors into their system. but you can also use it just with the regular smartthings devices.

Different people are looking for different things. If you want a real security system, this isn’t it. But if you just want to do convenience monitoring with the advantage of a professional center, it’s a good candidate.

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