Everspring Door Sensor

I have an Everspirig door sensor, when I first paired it, it was only showing in the open position. I have reset the device and have not been able to pair it again. Does anyone have any suggestions that I can try to pair it.

When you reset the device, how did you do it?

It sounds like the device still thinks it’s paired to a network. Look through the instructions for you device on how to unpair the device (usually it’s something like: But your hub/controller into ‘exclude’ mode then press this button on the device). Once you find out what you need to do on the device, then go SmartThings IDE (https://graph.api.smartthings.com/login/auth) and click on My Hubs -> the name of your hub -> view utilities -> Z-wave Exclude.

Then do whatever the instructions that came with the sensor say to do in to exclude.

After this you should be able to repair it with your hub.

Have you checked the device type within the developer tools? If by some chance you happened to set it as a “garage”, then the open/close is determined by the orientation rather than the contact. Just a thought but check the device type, should be SmartSense Multi, if not, edit and change to that.