[OBSOLETE] Enhanced Z-wave garage door opener code (for Linear GD00Z and variants)

Still having issues after battery replacement. Any other thoughts? Works on refresh, it’s just refreshing the status itself.

I can confirm that the 2015 DH from Gary didn’t work to treat my GD00Z-4 Garage Door Opener as an on/off switch (i.e. using Google Assistant to use voice commands).

Using this DH from Ron did the trick. I can now use voice commands with Google Assistant by adding a Custom Routine to open and a Custom Routine to close. This is some next level stuff!

Thanks so much!!

I’m using the DH from Ron and it’s working great. I do have a few questions though. In the ST app I see 5 different options to control: Power, Contact Sensor, Door, Garage Door and Momentary.

I’m assuming that “Power” is there because the code has it acting as a switch. But does anyone know why there are “door” and “garage door” options?

From the first post in this thread:

I’ve modified the ST default “Z-Wave Garage Door Opener” to better work with the “doors & locks” module. As far as I know, this would only be useful for the linear GD00Z device (and variants including the Iris opener.) This will allow you to select your garage door device as both the “open/close sensor” and the “garage door opener relay.” At that point, from within the “doors & locks” module, you can use “open and close it remotely” (and perhaps the other sub-modules that open/close the door.)

All this does is to add the “relay switch” and “momentary” capabilities to the type, stubs on()/off(), and defines push() to either open or close the door (depending on it’s current state.) It’s not a perfect implementation, as the “doors & locks” module might show the door as being “stopped” when that’s an invalid state of the Z-wave door opener.

Nice job on this. Always hated the blue “on” color for Closed in the default handler. Green is a fine choice.

Green indicates custom DTH and blue indicates stock DTH.

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Sorry to bring this back from the dead, but hopefully someone else here has had the same issues as me…

For the past 5 years, I could open/close the garage by saying “Open/Close Garage” and Google Home would execute the command. I’m not sure what changed, but for the past 3 weeks, the command is now “Turn On/Off Garage”. Has anyone ran into this issue?

I am using the Ridiculously Automated Garage Door app with the RG Linear GD00Z Garage Door Opener - v2 device handler.

I received a warning about the tilt sensor battery being low. However, after I replaced it, the new ST app displays 0% battery life.

Should the battery life be displayed correctly in the new ST app by the RG Linear GD00Z device handler?

I tried the garyd9 My z-wave garage door opener device handler from this thread but it ignores battery life.

Is there a different device handler I could use which displays the tilt sensor battery life?

Take a look at this one

Thanks for the link, but I’m afraid it’s not worth $39 to me to have the tilt sensor battery life displayed.

I read the discussion in RBoy’s thread where you added the tilt sensor battery life to your RG Linear GD00Z Garage Door Opener device handler. However, I installed both your original and v2 device handlers and neither seems to display the battery life in the new ST app. Is this a known problem?

Hi @Ron is it possible to move it to edge?

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Sorry, I have no clue. I don’t know what edge is. I switched away from SmartThings to Home Assistant a long time ago and don’t follow SmartThings at all anymore.

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Hi dear developers @Mariano_Colmenarejo
or @TAustin maybe someone know, how intergate “RG Linear GD00Z Garage Door Opener - V2” custom DHT from this group and convert to ST Edge?

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Also looking for answer