Edit room has disappeared from the menu - help


I need to change the location of a couple of my sensors as they didn’t end up in the locations to which they were originally paired. I went to try to move them but couldn’t find where to do that. So, I searched and found this page in the wiki (https://support.smartthings.com/hc/en-us/articles/205379974-Rooms) telling about how to edit rooms. Basically, click on home, then rooms, then click on the menu in the upper right hand corner and choose “edit room”. However, when I did that, edit room wasn’t there! Add room and reorder are there but no edit room. Can anyone please help me with this? I need to figure out where this is and what happened to it. Please, help me. I’m rather perplexed…

I believe someone had posted about this recently and it looks like a recent app update may have removed the feature.

You can still use the IDE to make these changes.

Log in
Click on My Devices
Click on the specific device
Click Edit
Change the Room (Listed as Group here)
Click Update

If you can see the “Add Room” and “Re-order” options, then you’re on the Rooms screen and not in an actual room. If you click one of the rooms you should be able to see the option for “Edit Room”. (That’s how it works in the Android app, I’m not sure about iPhone)

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