Other LAN Edge drivers have reported issues with the new hub update (0.54.10).
The culprit appears to be the getpeername() function which I can confirm is being called in the watch_socket function (line 188) of the LAN Motion Driver.
It appears @TAustin isn’t actively monitoring these threads but is there someone on the Dev Team (@nayelyz can you help?) that knows why this call to getpeername() appears to cause things to “blow up” since the 0.54.10 hub update?
Hi, @Puzzling
I already opened a report for the engineering team as they mentioned this required further investigation, so, once I get more info, I’ll let you know.
Hi, everyone!
The engineering team announced this release to fix the issue with the function of getpeername(), once it’s rolled out, please check if the devices start working again, if not, open the logcat using the CLI and see if an error starting with “caused by: Watchdog error” appears:
For this, you need to set up the ST CLI and run the command below:
smartthings edge:drivers:logcat
The CLI will prompt you to select from which hub and driver you want to listen to events
Then, try to send commands to the device and see what’s registered there.