[edge] Zemismart Tuya Zigbee blind motor

Hello jaewon. I installed your edge driver for tuya zigbee motor. Thanks a lot! it works okay for moving open to close, but the bad thing is it never stops. I dont know how to calibrate it so it stops when its fully open or fully close.

do you know how?


What motor are you using?
If you are using blind motor you will need the remote control that should comes with it when you purchase it. If you dont have the remote you can buy it from aliexpress or pair it with a tuya hub and use the tuya app to set the limits.
If you are using curtain track motor you need to install it on the track and the motor will automatically set the limits when it senses the physical limits (i.e. fully close or open).
Ask the motor seller for the manual which will instruct you on how to set the limits.

Hello friend,
I have a Moes AM34 Blind Motor (https://pt.aliexpress.com/item/1005002378230551.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.35.365bcaa4YGHI4a&gatewayAdapt=glo2bra).

I installed your Tuya Window Shader driver and it recognizes the motor but unfortunately the controls doesn’t work properly: when I press to lower or raise the curtain, it makes a small movement and stops. Do you have any idea if there is any workaround?? Thanks in advance!

I have (TS0601 , _TZE200_cxu0jkjk) , For now I’m using @w35l3y Generic EF00 driver , which works fine but have no abilities to set the upper and lower limit. I have a remote without SET LIMIT button.
My motor uses a ZigBee to RF dongle. Did you find a way to set the upper and lower limit from ST app ?
I also received from Zemismart and excel file that describe all the DP in use:

Please add my device to your channel and also , it will great if you’ll find something in the excel file that can help with setting limits.

Hello guys, so, problem solved here. I don’t remember exactly where, I think it’s in the device itself, but there is a setting where you change the curtain movement fromTilt to slide or something like that. As soon as I replaced it it started working. In addition, it is also important to configure the starting and ending point of the curtain on the motor.

I have a similar “AM43” blind motor from Moe’s and while I can get the driver to work, the smartthings buttons seem misassigned. For example, the pause button lowers the shade, the open button pauses and the close button opens the shade. When I had the groovy DHs I was able to modify the code, but I don’t think I can do that anymore. Any ideas how to fix?

Hello Kwok, are you using this Edge driver? GitHub - iquix/ST-Edge-Driver: SmartThings Edge Driver

If so, my Moes AM43 worked fine after setting the blinds driver from Tilt to Slide. Regards

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Thats the driver I’m using. I see an option in the motor itself to switch between “dot” and “continuous” mode and I have it set to continuous. I wonder if I have some odd revision where they programmed the buttons differently. :frowning:

[Edit] I resolved this by saving a local version of the driver and modifying the mappings between the buttons and command codes sent to the shade.

That driver works perfectly on my Moes AM43 without changing anything. Thanks!

I use your drive for the Zemismart blind motor, it works perfectly. However, I wanted to know if it would be possible to add the opening and closing option to the routine trigger. Because only the open and closed option appears. It would be very useful to prevent the blind from closing when the window door sensor is open, reversing the movement of the motor.

Alternatively, you can try using sharptools and this is possible in the free tier version

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This is what Samsung should add to the SmartThings app with the WindowShade capability.

Personally, I use Samsung Automation Studio to use opening/closing status.

Samsung Automation Studio is a NodeRED based Automation System made by Samsung. It’s free.

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Just wanted to thank you for your Tuya shade driver. I have been using that for my Zemismart curtain motors for the past couple of months and it has been working flawlessly.

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Would nice to get utilized the light sensor that comes with the solar panel which connects to the motor.

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