(EDGE Driver-Mc): Zigbee Drivers for Motion, Open/Close, Moisture, Smoke-Co Sensors and others Devices

I have almost done the simulation of the circadian cycle for the color temperature, but in almost everything I have read, the light intensity also varies depending on the time.
Here is an example that I found in the forum

Before finishing it I would like to know the opinion of the possible users

These are some examples of color temperature variation depending on the time of day and with different maximum color temperature values selected in preferences.
They are with a pure sinusoidal variation of 0º at sunrise, 90º at noon and 180º at sunset.

In the Photo of example the forum it seems that they make a linear variation, but it seems to me that linear is not correct.
It can be easily varied by making it grows faster or slower at the beginning and falls faster or slower at end of the cycle.

This looks good. Hopefully we will have option to set minimum Light temperature and maximum Light Temperature. For example 2700-4500 or 2200-6000

Light Intensity can be used to as long as there is options to select minimum annd maximum Level, but also to have switch to turn Intensity on/off, as someone might want light at 100% at night but at warmer light temperatures

- When the function is finished, to use the circadian cycle, the offset in hours of local time with UTC time must be entered in preferences, since the functions available in Lua only return UTC time. If this is solved, it will be removed from preferences.

  • The minimum color temperature will be 2700k and the maximum eligible from 2700k to 6000k to be compatible with all the profiles of the bulbs. Also these are the most used ranges in what I have read of the circadian rhythm.

  • For the minimum and maximum intensity values, values already exist in preferences for progressive ON-OFF will be used.

In a device with so many selectable and adjustable functions, its incompatibilities must be taken into account and that they cannot all be active at the same time in a light bulb.
Different functions and settings can be active in each bulb paired to the driver. I explain:

  • If you use circadian cycle in a light bulb it does not make sense that the progressive ON-OFF can be activated,
    The functions will not deacticed, but will not work until the circadian cycle is turned off.
    The circadian cycle means that when you turn on a light it will turn on with the intensity and color temperature corresponding to that time of day and while it is ON between 6 am and 6 pm it will vary both levels with 10 minutes timer.

  • If you use the random On-Off function, the circadian cycle can be activated, turning ON the level and temperature corresponding to the time of each ON cycle.
    The progressive ON-OFF functions will also be disabled.

  • If you use the progressive ON and / or OFF functions, with or without color temperature variation, the Circadian cycle and random ON-OFF functions will be deactivated.

  • If you use the functions of increase and decrease by external steps the Level and and / or Color temperature, all the timers running of progressive ON-OFF, Random ON-OFF and Circadian cycle will be canceled, since it is assumed that you want levels chosen manually. Active functions will not be deactivated, only stopped

  • If you deactivate all the functions, a normal bulb with dimmer and color temperature remains working


Hi Mariano,
Today I had a chance to try and pair my Cree, Dimmable, Cool White bulb with your Edge drivers.
I tried several times to pair it using Scan Nearby and each time it paired as a Groovy device using the ZLL dimmer device handler.
I have installed a number of edge devices and this is the first time I had this problem.

I understand that it either pairs with the driver and always pairs with a groovy DTH.

I have looked at the fringerprint and it seems that it corresponds with the one you sent me in a screenshot:

- id: "CREE/A-19-60W"
    deviceLabel: CREE A-19 60W
    manufacturer: CREE
    model: Connected A-19 60W Equivalent
    deviceProfileName: switch-level

Do you use a custom DTH for the bulb?
That happened to me once and I had to delete a custom DTH from the IDE that it was paired with or you can also cancel // fingerprint on the light bulb fingerprint line in the DTH.

No custom device handlers involved. It paired with stock ZLL dimmer bulb with local execution.

Attach is a screenshot with current pairing.

What can be done to make it pair with the driver instead of the DTH?


@Paul_Oliver, is the selected DTH saved in your IDE? The self-published DTHs are selected before an Edge driver, so, if this is your case, you can delete the DTH (after saving it in your PC or else in case you want it back) or comment the line of the “fingerprint” of the device by typing the simbols // at the beginning.

No custom device handlers for bulbs are installed on my IDE. The Cree bulb paired with the stock “ZLL dimmer bulb” and has local execution.

Ok, I’ll send you a Direct-Message to collect some information.

I am not sure what I may be doing wrong. I have subscribed to Mariano’s channel and enabled drivers for bulbs. when I tried to re-add the bulb, it is recognizing the original ST DTH. I tried to re-add multiple times, re-added drivers multiple times with no luck. Any help is appreciated. TIA.

This is the same as happens to @Paul_Oliver.
I don’t know if something has changed in any update of the hub.

If your bulbs are using a custom DTH published in your IDE, you can delete it or disable the fingerprint line of your device with //, or the generic one.
I don’t know if they found any solution yesterday


In IDE, what model and manufacturer does your light bulb have?

No solution as of this morning.
According to Nayelyz my Cree bulb is linking to stock device handler that does NOT even contain the fingerprint of my Cree bulb.
She had me delete the bulb, reboot the hub a couple time and re-add the bulb. With no success. She was turning it over to engineering.

The problem is that the dth has a generic fingerprint that matches the create bulb.
But the hub should choose the driver instead of the dth.
It happened to me with a custom dth and I deleted it from ide and it was solved

Indeed, I’ll report this behavior to the engineering team. @Mariano_Colmenarejo, could you share the driver ID with me by direct message, please?
Update: This issue is already reported. Thanks, @Mariano_Colmenarejo for the driver ID. I’ll let you know the feedback from the engineering team, @Paul_Oliver. :+1:

(NEW RELEASE) version 3.8 of the Edge Driver “Zigbee Level ColorTemp Bulb Mc”:

  • Added new profile for color temperature with range between 2000k and 6500k

  • New Circadian Lighting Function as Custom Capability and can be activate and deactivate from automations or escenes:

  • This Function requires the offset in hours of your local time with UTC time to be entered in preferences. Because the Lua functions for the Edge driver only return UTC time. If this is corrected, it will be removed.

  • The active schedule for Circadian lighting will be from 6 a.m. at 6 p.m.

  • The variation of Color temperature will be between 2700 k and the maximum value chosen in preferences between 3000k and 6000k

  • The variation of intensity will be made between the minimum and maximum values ​​chosen in preferences by the user. The preferences “Circadian Lighting MIN Level %” and “Circadian Lighting MAX Level %” are used.

  • The Color Temperature and Level values ​​are updated every 10 minutes

  • The variation curve of the set will be as in the following examples:

  • Out of the active schedule, when the light is turned on it will turn on with the level and Color Temperature values ​​of the last shutdown. It can be manually changed and will remain until changed again or powered up within the active circadian lighting schedule.

  • The priority logic of the different functions will be:

  • If Random ON-OFF is Enabled:

    • Progressive ON and OFF are deactivated
    • Circadian Lighting is deactivated
  • If Progressive ON and / or OFF is activated:

    • Random ON-OFF is deactivated
    • Circadian Lighting is deactivated
  • If Circadian Lighting is Activated:

    • Random ON-OFF is deactivated
    • Progressive ON and OFF is disabled
  • If external commands of variation by steps of the Level or ColorTemp are sent:

    • All running Timers are stopped and the values ​​recived are kept
    • NO functions are disabled
  • For each device paired to the driver, you can choose different functions and settings at the same time.

  • As we already have the local time, I have changed the information for the next random change in the Random ON-OFF function. The time at which the next change will be made is now displayed. Thus it is reduced to a single event per change in history.

  • How Can be installed:
    o Changing to the driver “Zigbee Level ColorTemperature Bulb
    o Delete Zigbee Level Color Temperature Bulb Mc driver from HUB
    o Reinstall Zigbee Level ColorTemperature Bulb Mc from the Channel
    o Change to the new Zigbee Level ColorTemperature Bulb Mc driver.

  • The first installation may Fail, due to having a new custom capability:
    o Reset the HUB without uninstalling the device and clear the app cache
    o When the HUB is online open the app
    o Open the device and wait a while for the driver to install
    o Activate and deactivate functions to update their status.

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Thanks! Can’t wait to get new bulbs to test this with.


refer below: