(EDGE Driver-Mc): Z-Wave Edge Drivers and others with FIBARO devices:

Hi @Giorgia

The driver sent the local_protection value=0 selected in preferences

but when the value is read the device has not accepted it and continues to show value=2

The close command received by the driver from the app is sent to the device, but the device reports that its status is still open.

Does the motor try to make any movement or does it make any noise?

Do you have a link to the manual?

When I added the device they didn’t tell me it was malfunctioning

no movement and no noise
MOTOR https://www.niceforyou.com/sites/default/files/upload/manuals/idv0629a01en.pdf
IBT4ZWAVE https://www.niceforyou.com/sites/default/files/upload/manuals/idv01mm_en.pdf
BIDIZWAVE addendum: https://www.niceforyou.com/sites/default/files/upload/manuals/isa00mm.pdf
maybe only my is malfunctioning…

Hi @Giorgia

If everything is electrically well assembled, I can’t think of what could happen.

Did you try to do a device reset as the manual says.

The default value of local protection should be 0 and has a value of 2 and does not accept changes.

The values shown by the app in preferences are desynchronized from the real values since the preferences are read-only for the driver.

It also does not execute the open and close commands sent by driver.

What the driver sends matches the correct values in the manual for opening and closing and the device responds with the values corresponding to stopped, according to the manual

The device may be defective.

yes, more than one time
I will call the installer or see if they can change the ZWAVE key
thank you

Hi Mariano, is it possible to add the Fibaro FGS-224 to the device list? It’s a double relay

Manufacturer Code: 010F-0204-1000
Presentation ID: aaac94e4-edb1-3e50-bb9d-54b13c95f827

Thank you

Hi @Sleck94,

This device exist in my driver Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc several time ago

Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo,

I already have your driver, but I cannot assign it to this device

Thank you so much


The three versions, EU, US and AU, are added.

What version of the driver do you have installed?

- id: 010F/0204 #/1000
    deviceLabel: Fibaro Double Smart Module
    manufacturerId: 0x010F
    productType: 0x0204
    #productId: 0x1000 # 0x2000 & 0x3000
    deviceProfileName: fibaro-smart-relay-double

I have uninstalled and re-installed the driver and now it seems fine :sweat_smile:

Thank you anyway, Mario, for the support


Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo,
I am using the z wave switch and child MC with my fibaro double switch 2 - it worked perfectly until the 14th of February.
If I change the driver to z wave switch (the default one) the main switch work but I can’t control the second switch.
If I change back to your driver - nothing works.

Does anything changed from your side?
Can I check anything at my side?

Thank you.

Hi @gmanor77

I don’t know what can happen to you, the other day it happened to you with zigbee devices, or with zwave.

I have two fibaro double switch and works fine

You may have too many devices or drivers installed and running and your hub memory is at HardLimits and the drivers are not installing and running correctly or are rebooting sequentially.

Check hub memory status, driverMemoryLimitStatus and driverCountLimitStatus in smartthings, advanced users

Thanks for your reply.

I gey driverMemoryLimitStatus - softlimit
driverCountLimitStatus - hardlimit

I don’t know what it means - can you help?


I think this means that you are at the high memory limit for the number of drivers installed on your Hub.

Try uninstalling any drivers you don’t use or group devices that may use the same driver. For example, if you have devices that use a stock driver and others that use custom drivers and could use the same one, group them into one of the drivers, the stock or the custom one, and delete the one you have left.

You may have to think about splitting your devices into two Hubs, for example, one for zwave devices and one for zigbee. But the distribution can be done in another way that best suits you.

What firmware version does your hub use?
Is it a v2 or v3 Hub?

Using v3
Firmware 000.051.00002

I think this hub is the one with the least available memory.

The next version of firmware 52.x will add a new subdriver lazy loading function, loading only the subdrivers necessary for the installed devices into memory, instead of loading the entire driver in memory.
This will possibly free up a lot of memory used compared with firmware version 51.x

This new version 52.x is in Beta version. I have 6 drivers working with this new function and they work very well, I imagine that the new version 52.x will be published for all Hub v2 and V3 users soon, but the conversion of the current drivers to use this new firmware function 52.x will take a while.

I have prepared several drivers, which have many subdrivers for different devices, to publish them when they release the new 52.x version of the firmware, Z-Wave Switch and Child Mc, Z-Wave Bulb Mc, Z-Wave Sensor and Child Thermostat Mc, Z-Wave Siren Mc, Zigbee Contact Mc, Zigbee Motion Sensor Mc, Zigbee Smoke/CO Detector Mc.

I could launch them now, they would work with the current version 51.x of firmware but it would not reduce memory usage and I don’t want to risk causing some unknown problem to users.

In the meantime, try maximizing your drivers and devices as I mentioned.


New EDGE Z-Wave Electric Meter Mc controller modified for Aeotec Home Energy Meter Gen5 (1 phase).

This device works well with the official Aeotec channel driver, Aeotec Home Energy Meter Gen5, but it only reports Power and Total Energy.

  {mfr = 0x0086, prod = 0x0102, model = 0x005F},  -- Aeotec Home Energy Meter (Gen5) US
  {mfr = 0x0086, prod = 0x0002, model = 0x005F},  -- Aeotec Home Energy Meter (Gen5) EU

This device can also report voltage and current and it seems to me that a device that costs €80 should be able to use all of its functions.

This driver is based in stock Z-Wave Electric Meter and modified:

  • I have added a profile to report Power (W), Energy (KWh), Volts (V) and Current (A).

  • Maintains the same name as the Aeotec driver preferences to facilitate the change to this Mc driver and maintain yours personalized settings.
  - name: "selectiveReporting"
    title: "2. Solar Readings" 
    description: "This parameter 2 determines reports of power and energy. Default: Always positive "
    required: false
    preferenceType: enumeration
        0: "Always positive"
        1: "Sum of positive & negative readings"
        2: "Only positive readings"
        3: "Only negative readings"
      default: 0
  - name: "thresholdWatt"
    title: "3. Threshold Readings" 
    description: "This parameter 3 determines disable selective reporting or enable automatic reports. Default: Disable"
    required: false
    preferenceType: enumeration
        0: "Disable"
        1: "Enable"
      default: 0
  - name: "crcSixteen"
    title: "13. CRC-16" 
    description: "This parameter 13 determines reporting CRC-16 Encapsulation Command. Default: Disable"
    required: false
    preferenceType: enumeration
        0: "Disable"
        1: "Enable"
      default: 0
  - name: "group1Time"
    title: "111. Group 1 Sensor Report Time"
    description: "This parameter 111 determine Group 1 time interval for automatic reports. Default: 300 sec"
    required: false
    preferenceType: integer
      minimum: 0
      maximum: 86400
      default: 300
  - name: "configLock"
    title: "252. Settings Lock" 
    description: "This parameter 252 determines Disable or Enable settings lock. Default: Disable"
    required: false
    preferenceType: enumeration
        0: "Disable"
        1: "Enable"
      default: 0
  • The value of parameter 101 has been modified to value = 15 in the configuration and driverSwitched life cycles, so that the device sends periodic reports of W, KWh, Volts, Amp.
    This parameter cannot be modified in the driver so that the capabilities are not left without capabilities data updates.

This device works very well and only emits the values of W, KWh, Volts and Amp every 300sec, by default or customizable, without flooding the zwave network.

 Name         Z-Wave Electric Meter Mc
 Version      2024-05-23T09:12:21.827737763        

Great job, Mariano!!! Thank you!


Hi @Mariano_Colmenarejo a new Fibaro Roller shutter device Fibaro Roller Shutter 4 FGR-224 is now available. Can you please add to your Z-wave Windows Treatment driver. Here are some more info:

Manufacturer ID 0x010F
Product Type 0x0304
Product ID 0x1000

Also here:

Thanks :reminder_ribbon:

I make a note to watch it in August, but I don’t guarantee that I will do it.

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Apologies if this has been asked before but there are simply too many threads (1,300+!) of extremely useful info…

I have a number of different Fibaro modules. The ones that work seamlessly with the SmartThings stock driver via the SmartThings App are my Dimmer 2s (FGD-212) and Double Switch 2’s (FGS223).

However I cannot get my Single Switch 2s (FGS-213) to work properly using the SmartThings app.

I continually get Network/Server errors (will post screenshot) when trying to turn off or on from the App. The funny thing is if I use ActionTiles, it turns on and off fine. Also, if I use the my.smartthings.com web GUI, I still get constant spinning when trying to turn the light on/off but if I press the refresh button on the GUI (see screenshot) it stops spinning and works. So there appears to be something related to what the module is trying to communicate with the SmartThings server?

I used to use Custom drivers but haven’t done so since the new SmartThings app and the removal of the old SmartThings IDE. I don’t even know how I’d go about adding a new custom driver if that is the solution here. Clearly I’d prefer SmartThings made a tweak to their stock driver.

Anyone able to help?
