(EDGE Driver-Mc): Z-Wave Device Config Mc

I just bought a few Heatit Z-Temp2 Thermostats and they don’t pick up a Edge driver when I add them to the hub (It seems to use the generic ‘Z-Wave Thermostat’ DH, not Edge). I’ve enrolled to your channel and added this driver (which is available as a selection for other Z Wave devices I have).
This the Raw Description from the Smarthings IDE:

zw:Fs2a type:0806 mfr:019B prod:0004 model:0204 ver:1.02 zwv:7.11 lib:03 cc:5E,55,98,9F,6C,22 sec:86,85,8E,59,72,5A,87,73,80,71,7A,40,43,42,75,70,31

Anything you can do to make it match this?

Hi @teo78

I think there is a channel with official edge drivers for these thermostats

It seems it does not support the Z-Temp2, it’s not listed on their post. I tried adding it to hub (the Z-Water I have uses their driver, and I can switch to your config driver), but the Z-Temp2 still just connects using a old generic cloud DH.
I’ve asked if they can add support for it, but it still would be great if this Config driver would support it as I then can use it for setting up associations, etc.
Does this config driver require some commands not supported by this Z-Temp2 device causing it not to match the fingerprint?

This Z-Wave Device Config Mc driver is only used temporarily to view and configure parameters or association groups.
Once the device is configured, you have to return to the normal control driver of the device.

If you ask in the official Heatit thread, they will surely answer whether it has or will have support and what configuration and association parameters its official drivers have

Many thanks for the quick reply :slight_smile: Understood, but I thought it would also use this driver when adding the device if no other drivers are available? I will wait for a response from Heatit, but even if they release a driver I assuming it won’t have the options to setup association groups (in their manuals they refer to the hub in question for how to setup this, and their other drivers does not have that).
That’s why I thought I could use this driver (since when the association is setup I won’t actually need any functionality from the hub/driver at all since the device just sends command directly through the association group).
May I ask what fingerprints this driver requires?

This driver does not require any fingerprint, any Zwave device can be paired with it.
It has a Device Fingerprints Info option, which allows you to display all the device fingerprint information, including the Command Class that each endpoint supports.

Ok, understand. So it will never be picked up on installation but can be selected after device is added with another driver first. I’ll wait for the official driver and give it a go for setting up the associations after that. Thanks again :slight_smile:

1 Like

Sorry to bring back this issue, but I am trying to figure out why there is an issue with our devices when they fail S2. I am failing the device on purpose by inputting the wrong DSK so that it will include without security and I can associate it with other non secure devices. When I do this, the Config Mc app is not able to read the association reports that are being sent. I looked at them with zniffer and they look ok, but the driver does not ever populate the info:

Also, this is what shows in the SmartThings logs:

The commands are sent and the switch replies, but SmartThings does not parse them and they are not picked up by the driver.

Because the driver doesn’t ever populate with data, I cannot use the “Set” functionality even though I am pretty sure it will work (based on the reports I am seeing in zniffer). It just sends the “GET” command over and over. Would it be possible to get an option to “Force Send SET commands” in a scenario like this? No worries if not, but I’m just curious.

The strange thing is that if I put in the correct DSK and S2 completes, the driver works fine and everything populates. I think it is a problem with the ST platform as you are just using the default libraries.

Hi @erocm1231

Indeed, in the logs the ASSOCIATION_REPORT device response to GET command is not seen.
The driver uses version 3.

This is missing

2023-01-27T10:46:57.964743792+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Device Config Mc <ZwaveDevice: 664da0a9-eecb-4f9b-8062-e73135110abf [26] (Fibaro Single Relay)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={grouping_identifier=3}, cmd_class=“ASSOCIATION”, cmd_id=“GET”, dst_channels={}, encap=“AUTO”, payload=“\x03”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2023-01-27T10:46:57.977133984+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc Z-Wave command(4ce48639) queued for radio transmission: CC:Association, CID:0x02
2023-01-27T10:46:57.978029765+00:00 PRINT Z-Wave Device Config Mc <<<< new Group_number: 3
2023-01-27T10:46:58.454770350+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc Received event with handler unnamed
2023-01-27T10:46:58.456000965+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Device Config Mc <ZwaveDevice: 664da0a9-eecb-4f9b-8062-e73135110abf [26] (Fibaro Single Relay)> received Z-Wave command: {args={grouping_identifier=3, max_nodes_supported=1, node_ids={1}, reports_to_follow=0}, cmd_class=“ASSOCIATION”, cmd_id=“REPORT”, dst_channels={}, encap=“NONE”, payload=“\x03\x01\x00\x01”, src_channel=0, version=1}
2023-01-27T10:46:58.479082833+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc Found ZwaveDispatcher handler in zwave_thing
2023-01-27T10:46:58.491470691+00:00 PRINT Z-Wave Device Config Mc hubnode = 1
2023-01-27T10:46:58.492725651+00:00 PRINT Z-Wave Device Config Mc group_identifier = 3
2023-01-27T10:46:58.493886231+00:00 PRINT Z-Wave Device Config Mc max_nodes_supported = 1
2023-01-27T10:46:58.495032137+00:00 PRINT Z-Wave Device Config Mc <<<<node_ids[node]: 1
2023-01-27T10:46:58.496174041+00:00 PRINT Z-Wave Device Config Mc << Groups Scan Single>>
2023-01-27T10:46:58.497318947+00:00 PRINT Z-Wave Device Config Mc <<<<node_ids[1]: 1

I can see in the other capture that device answer to command GET

It only sends the GET command because it is the profile “Device Association Groups Scan”
If you use the “Device Association Groups Configure” option you can directly send the SET command with the group and node values you enter.
You may not be able to read the result later when driver send the GET command to commit the result

@Mariano_Colmenarejo when I do that it just keeps sending a GET command. I’m thinking there is something in the code that is preventing the SET from being sent until the report is first received. That is why I am thinking a force option may be good. You know better than me though. :wink: This is what happens when I try to set group 2. I press the action button multiple times:

Each time it sends a GET and not a SET:

Hi @erocm1231

There is nothing to prevent to dtiver sending the Set command.

The driver sends the Set command and then sends a Get to read the result, I don’t remember what delay I put, I can check it.

If you activate the logcat you will see Set and Get commands.
If you can, send it to me in copied and pasted text format

Sure, I pressed the action button 3 times and here is the info in the logs:

2023-01-27T20:07:43.719663875+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Inovelli Dimmer Red Series device thread event handled
2023-01-27T20:07:43.843993208+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Z-Wave command(423dcdd5) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
2023-01-27T20:17:58.489171786+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Received event with handler capability
2023-01-27T20:17:58.496692786+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Device Config Mc  <ZwaveDevice: b963ba8c-63fe-4c7b-8209-3e65debef273 [68] (Inovelli Dimmer Red Series)> received command: {"args":{},"capability":"legendabsolute60149.actionbutton2","command":"push","component":"main","positional_args":{}}
2023-01-27T20:17:58.498154119+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_thing
2023-01-27T20:17:58.499340452+00:00 PRINT Z-Wave Device Config Mc  <<< Action_button:
2023-01-27T20:17:58.509202119+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Inovelli Dimmer Red Series device thread event handled
2023-01-27T20:17:58.518197786+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Inovelli Dimmer Red Series device thread event handled
2023-01-27T20:17:58.532220786+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Z-Wave command(ae23a18d) queued for radio transmission: CC:Association, CID:0x02
2023-01-27T20:17:58.538428453+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Device Config Mc  <ZwaveDevice: b963ba8c-63fe-4c7b-8209-3e65debef273 [68] (Inovelli Dimmer Red Series)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={grouping_identifier=2}, cmd_class="ASSOCIATION", cmd_id="GET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="\x02", src_channel=0, version=1}
2023-01-27T20:17:58.546678119+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Inovelli Dimmer Red Series device thread event handled
2023-01-27T20:17:58.663859119+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Z-Wave command(ae23a18d) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
2023-01-27T20:18:14.151152127+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Received event with handler capability
2023-01-27T20:18:14.152821793+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Device Config Mc  <ZwaveDevice: b963ba8c-63fe-4c7b-8209-3e65debef273 [68] (Inovelli Dimmer Red Series)> received command: {"args":{},"capability":"legendabsolute60149.actionbutton2","command":"push","component":"main","positional_args":{}}
2023-01-27T20:18:14.154645460+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_thing
2023-01-27T20:18:14.156030460+00:00 PRINT Z-Wave Device Config Mc  <<< Action_button:
2023-01-27T20:18:14.168201460+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Inovelli Dimmer Red Series device thread event handled
2023-01-27T20:18:14.169358460+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Inovelli Dimmer Red Series device thread event handled
2023-01-27T20:18:14.204146460+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Z-Wave command(dafe0350) queued for radio transmission: CC:Association, CID:0x02
2023-01-27T20:18:14.212140127+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Device Config Mc  <ZwaveDevice: b963ba8c-63fe-4c7b-8209-3e65debef273 [68] (Inovelli Dimmer Red Series)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={grouping_identifier=2}, cmd_class="ASSOCIATION", cmd_id="GET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="\x02", src_channel=0, version=1}
2023-01-27T20:18:14.213841460+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Inovelli Dimmer Red Series device thread event handled
2023-01-27T20:18:14.353696793+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Z-Wave command(dafe0350) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK
2023-01-27T20:18:19.421380462+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Received event with handler capability
2023-01-27T20:18:19.440015462+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Device Config Mc  <ZwaveDevice: b963ba8c-63fe-4c7b-8209-3e65debef273 [68] (Inovelli Dimmer Red Series)> received command: {"args":{},"capability":"legendabsolute60149.actionbutton2","command":"push","component":"main","positional_args":{}}
2023-01-27T20:18:19.441629129+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Found CapabilityCommandDispatcher handler in zwave_thing
2023-01-27T20:18:19.442963796+00:00 PRINT Z-Wave Device Config Mc  <<< Action_button:
2023-01-27T20:18:19.444136796+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Inovelli Dimmer Red Series device thread event handled
2023-01-27T20:18:19.459415129+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Inovelli Dimmer Red Series device thread event handled
2023-01-27T20:18:19.547891796+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Z-Wave command(cb4619a1) queued for radio transmission: CC:Association, CID:0x02
2023-01-27T20:18:19.549335129+00:00 INFO Z-Wave Device Config Mc  <ZwaveDevice: b963ba8c-63fe-4c7b-8209-3e65debef273 [68] (Inovelli Dimmer Red Series)> sending Z-Wave command: {args={grouping_identifier=2}, cmd_class="ASSOCIATION", cmd_id="GET", dst_channels={}, encap="AUTO", payload="\x02", src_channel=0, version=1}
2023-01-27T20:18:19.569063796+00:00 DEBUG Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Inovelli Dimmer Red Series device thread event handled
2023-01-27T20:18:19.684021796+00:00 TRACE Z-Wave Device Config Mc  Z-Wave command(cb4619a1) transmit status: TRANSMIT_COMPLETE_OK

You’re right.

I did not remember how I had done the function of writing and deleting the groups.

When writing individual node for a group, it effectively sends a GET command and with the response, which contains all the information of the number of nodes already written and the maximum supported nodes, then adds the new node if group has a nil node available.

Use this version that sends the Set command directly without taking into account the maximum nodes and I’ll think about how to fix these cases, maybe, as you say, put a marker option to force sending the association set command

 Driver Id    d36067d4-67ed-4dcd-a27e-6b3d32583b7d 
 Name         Z-Wave Device Config TEST
 Package Key  zwave-device-config-test
 Version      2023-01-27T21:58:25.08325715

Update: new date version
I have only modified it for single channel Association and set the first node of the group


Thanks, I will test it out!

This version is sending the command. I appreciate the help!


Good evening Eric,

Trying to get 2 Red dimmers to be z-wave associated. Does it matter in which group I set them up? They are both ZWave_S2_Authenticated. I found in older association posts on Inovelli’s forum that group 3 was for On/Off and group 4 was for Dimmer. Is is still the case with the edge drivers


We can also take thin in the Inovelli Community group.


Yes, it always does. Different groups will support different functions.

In order to find out what each group is for on the specific device you are working with, go to the official zwave alliance site, find your device, and check the “associations” entry.


And always remember the first rule of home automation: “the model number matters.” Two different models from the same manufacturer might use the association groups differently: you have to check each one.

Also remember that association is a list kept in the trigger device, not the targets.

So if you are using association to have a motion sensor turn on a light switch, you use the configuration driver with the sensor and list the ID of the switch in the correct group there. Then change the sensor back to its everyday driver. You don’t need to do anything with the switch in this example.

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Sorry for my ignorance but I am still unable to associate my switches together. Here is my configuration.
Main Dimmer Switch: Network ID=16 = HEX 10 (This is my target??)
Slave Dimmer Switch: Networkd ID=17 = HEX11 (This is my trigger??)

Both Switches are Inovelli’s Red Dimmer Switch.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I should change the driver to my slave-dimmer and set this config:
Group Number:3
Note to Write Hex: 10
Node End Point: Leave default to 0?
Single Channel Device


When I did my associations I didn’t do any hex conversions. I took the device ID directly from the link below and put that in the “node to write hex” field. That’s for the device you want to be controlled by the switch, not the switch itself.

I think if you leave the node end point at 0, it will use the next available node. So I left that at 0. I’d suggest picking “remove all nodes” in the group association type then press action button before trying again. That will clear associations you previously made.

Lastly, I was using an on/off switch so I used group 2. Per the following link, I think dimming is group 4, not 3 in your screenshot (Knowledge Base Redirect – Inovelli). But per that same link, it seems you may want to associate both group 2 and 4 one at a time. I haven’t associated dimmers before though so not sure.

I have a ZEN 34 and a ZEN 30 multi switch.

The Zen 30 reports a 0B for a device ID which may not be real. In any case I set the option to create a separate device for the ZEN 30 for a bathroom Fan.

For Level two association (on/off) in the Zooz 34 and 30 drivers I put 0B (note zero B). For Level three association (Dimmer) I put 0C (zero C) in both drivers.

For the Zooz 34 being a portable paddle switch you wake up the switch with 7 toggle ups and then save.

The 34 now controls the off/on with a Single Tap, the dimmer with Held Up and Held Down. No need for setting any routines, however for Taps Up or Taps Down you can in order to set specific levels. For example Tap 5 turns the ZEN 30 to 100% and turns on the bathroom Fan.

No need to actually use device IDs that may be reported by any Device ID tools. In fact you may be able to use words like Dimmer or Power in the association fields however I didn’t try that. I don’t know if it checks for valid hex values.