(EDGE Driver-Mc): Fibaro Smart Implant Mc

You can use @Mariano_Colmenarejo Aplicaciones Virtuales Mc (Virtual Applications) driver to make basic calculations.

You need use Rules API rules for copying value (voltage value) to number-fields.

One example:


Great, thanks for that info. I’ve installed the driver and am now experimenting with it.

The virtual applications driver is great and was simple to use.
The 8 in Field 1 is obviously just to test the functionality and is where I need to import the voltage using Rules API, but that is not so simple with a step learning curve.
I’ve started looking into that, but due to more pressing responsibilities, I’ll have to get back to that later.

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Here is the rule you need just change the device IDs. It update every 5 minutes. The indentation is messed up.

“every”: {
“interval”: {
“value”: {
“integer”: 5
“unit”: “Minute”
“actions”: [
“command”: {
“devices”: [
“Device ID 1”
“commands”: [
“component”: “main”,
“capability”: “legendabsolute60149.numberFieldOne”,
“command”: “setNumberFieldOne”,
“arguments”: [
“device”: {
“devices”: [
“Device ID 2”
“component”: “main”,
“capability”: “voltageMeasurement”,
“attribute”: “voltage”


Thanks for the help. Instead of getting outside and plowing snow like I should, I continued to sit here and it turned out to be easier than I expected.
Both conversions are functioning perfectly.
Thanks again.


The boiler drum level is showing an overscale value in this screenshot, but that is correct due to the calibration that I chose to use.
I’m not really impressed with the Fibaro Smart Implant that I use to get this data. I did achieve my desired result, but only due to the excellent information and efforts provided by this forum, while Fibaro provides basically no support, which due to the high price tag, it isn’t a very good value.
I’ve ordered a few inexpensive ESP32 boards for analog inputs, which are programmed with an Arduino IDE. That looks like a much better value to achieve a similar result. We shall see…
Thanks again