Dome Water Valve Shows up as “Placeholder”

edited to update

I just reread your post and noticed you said everything is working now. In that case just leave it alone, it’s fine. The rest of this note will explain why you’re seeing different things in the IDE than we used to.

The IDE (The web interface to your account where you are seeing this information) is part of the old architecture and will be going away soon. So it has not been updated to keep up with the new architecture.

Anything which is using the new architecture will show as “placeholder“ including anything which is using an edge driver.

You should not try to change that information, because it can mess up communications with the device. If you want to use a DTH instead (but be aware that all groovy DTHs will be going away pretty soon to be replaced by edge drivers) You need to first add the DTH to your account. And then add the device to your network. When it is being added to the network, it should then choose the custom DTH in preference to the edge driver.

Also, once a device shows up as “placeholder“ (which more and more devices are going to as the transition progresses) you will no longer see any zwave route information because the new architecture devices aren’t feeding that information to the IDE. That’s just how it is for now while we’re in the middle of all of this. :thinking:

Here are a couple of current community FAQs that should help clear up the confusion if you want more details. (The topic title is a clickable link, and each FAQ will include links to the official announcements that are relevant.)



FAQ: I have no idea what Edge is. Is that a new developer tool? (2022)