Dimmer for 4-way switch without neutral?

there appears to be a code update that may be temporary, that allows cheat method, “NEC 2017 code in 404.2( C ) where the ground conductor can extend to the neutral”

search “neutral code ground switch limit 5”

2020-LATE-EDIT: NOTE THIS REFERENCE was misinterpreted by me by confusing “Grounding conductor” (AKA THE GROUND WIRE) and “Grounded conductor” (AKA THE NEUTRAL) - so this does method does not workaround the missing neutral. In short, this is not the easy fix I was looking for - END OF EDIT.


It would seem to be somewhat less safe than a real neutral. I don’t see how it could be as safe unless the smart switch neutral was explicitly power-limited to some low current, only capable of driving its own smart guts.