I was a field tech before I got sick (I have a degenerative progressive neuromuscular disease, something like MS, but not MS), so I had a career pretty much based on all the things that didn’t get tested before they got released. LOL! I can put up with a lot, but I have my own standards for my own stuff.
A lot of power users come into SmartThings expecting one level of capability and then discover over time that it’s not what they thought they were getting. Like the fact that the hub is a black box and we can’t run our own code on it except for custom edge drivers. And the fact that the app always requires the cloud.
Some of them move on after a year or two. Some of them, like me, stay and run multiple systems. Some of them add additional servers and end up doing some really cool stuff.
Unleash the Power of SmartThings with Advanced Automations Using Node-Red
Some of them move on and found their own own home automation companies, like the hubitat guys.
I think most of the people who stay stay at least in part because they have other household members with android phones who really like the SmartThings app.
Choice is good.