Devicehandler for Wiser zigbee 2channel Button

Has anyone tried to add these buttons to SmartThings, It is supponera to be zigbee 3.0 byt is not reconized.

First, just to get this out of the way, if it’s the one from Schneider, that device is sold in both Zigbee and Bluetooth versions. What’s the exact model number? And is there a Zigbee logo on the label?

It is WDE002924 model double rocker from schneider Zigbee 3.0

Ok, this one, right?

That SHOULD look like a 4 button battery powered Zigbee 3.0 remote to SmartThings, but ST doesn’t always work well with multi button devices and right now there are some problems with how buttons are displayed in the app. :thinking:

Tagging some people who might have more information.

@Automated_House @johnconstantelo

Yes, thats the one. I can ser traffic in the log bit it is not recognized and added. Hope to fond out why.

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Follow up, I got the butons registered as a “Thing” in ST but nothing else, there are no switches to activate att all? Is there a DH to correct this somewhere??