[DEPRECATED THREAD] webCoRE Beta Milestone 1

It’s the same there.

The offending line is

Set piston state to "💡"

That symbol is U+1F4A1 (UTF-8: F0 9F 92 A1)

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I managed to get the error. Unfortunately, here’s the sent data:


This decodes well…

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Try piston y7oa this gives me

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

which doesn’t decode for me

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Has anyone seen this before?

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Please see the upgrade notice for the latest version:

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I’ve imported it and I get a decodeable output - problem is with JsonSlurper in Groovy - it cannot decode UTF-8 characters in the string. Charset support was added in 2.3.0 and I think we’re still at version 2.2.0. I will query ST tomorrow.


I did. Are you saying I missed one?

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I have 3 pistons and only one of them are showing this error. I just paused and resumed and then edited and saved, and killed and purged cache.

I’m still seeing this message

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That is not the piston saying that, it’s the main parent app. You need to update and ADD a new helper app called webCoRE Storage - it should be in the New column as you Update from Repo. Make sure you publish it too, then the message will go away. No other action required.


With last night’s upgrade and re-do, a simple piston that gets a couple of temperatures and reports them is going crazy. The temps are coming back in the billions (Central Florida is hot, but not quite there yet).

5/10/2017, 8:28:42 AM +278ms +0ms ╔Received event [Home].time = 1494419321580 with a delay of 697ms +103ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 14ms > PS > 62ms > PE > 26ms > CE +116ms ║Runtime (30053 bytes) successfully initialized in 62ms (v0.1.0a4.20170509) (115ms) +119ms ║╔Execution stage started +204ms ║║Calculating (string) 8:28 + (string) It's >> (string) 8:28 It's +213ms ║║Calculating (string) 8:28 It's + (string) 2147483647 >> (string) 8:28 It's 2147483647 +221ms ║║Calculating (string) 8:28 It's 2147483647 + (string) outside. The pool is >> (string) 8:28 It's 2147483647 outside. The pool is +229ms ║║Calculating (string) 8:28 It's 2147483647 outside. The pool is + (string) 2147483647 >> (string) 8:28 It's 2147483647 outside. The pool is 2147483647 +257ms ║║8:28 It's 2147483647 outside. The pool is 2147483647 +258ms ║║Executed virtual command log (15ms) +267ms ║║Executed virtual command setVariable (2ms) +282ms ║║Device ':c1e8e90c103c6d63143cf4a71dd6d1e5:' not found +283ms ║║Executed virtual command log (2ms) +333ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (215ms) +348ms ║Setting up scheduled job for Wed, May 10 2017 @ 8:29:41 AM EDT (in 58.955s) +375ms ╚Event processed successfully (375ms)

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Would you mind putting up the actual pistons for some of these so i can see how you’ve populated the dashboard with that data, looks really useful, but need a bit of a guiding hand!

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I can’t get the dashboard to come up on Windows 10 Chrome. Edge works, also Chromebook works. Getting a blank gray screen.

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Did you pause/resume? Is it subscribing to all devices used in the piston? i.e. the Iris, the PE653, and the motion sensor?

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What happens if one didn’t? Do you need a case? I can check my pistons, but I put batteries in my hub… :smile:

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I posted some of them over in the example piston thread:

Unfortunately the screen shot doesn’t work for me (at least not for those pistons) so you don’t get a code preview unless you import :cry:

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What would be a reason that a trace option would not show up

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Only reason I know is if the piston hasn’t fired.

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When you configure a new piston or amend one, when it is saved, you do not see the trace option.
When somethong happens to any of the subscribing devices etc. then the trace option will appear.


I think this is a bug in the time window. It should happen between 30 minutes past sunset and 10 pm but it’s happening 30 mins past sunset and 30 mins past 10 pm

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Then why is the end one happening at 10:30 pm instead of 10:00 pm. Shouldn’t the offset just apply to the sunset.

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