[DEPRECATED Thread: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] webCoRE - Piston Design Help (ask your fellow members for assistance)

hmm … let me play with it.

your crappy engiish? have you seen mine? i dont even know which letters are capitalized in a sentence. :slight_smile:

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I did have something like that originally, but I was having issues with it triggering when the mode was already in home. Then when the other sensor arrive it was messing it up, that’s why I moved it too the beginning so it won’t even begin to fire. But maybe there was a bug at the time? Or more than likely I had messed up somewhere else.

this line with the only when fixes that problem

Is it not a issue then haveing multiple if’s and then’s? IE if this then, that, if this then, that, if this then, that else do this? Essentially what I’m trying to write is if this then do this, BUT if this then do this, but if this then do that. But when you write it in webCoRE it wants you to use the else which is fine if you only have two options, does webCoRE work that out for you or do I need to do something else.

Is there a way of saving devices with a particular attribute into a variable?
For example if I want to save all my battery devices into a global variable instead of selecting all my battery devices into the variable, select the battery attribute and then this automatically selects all the battery devices.
This would save having to amend the global variable every time I added a new battery device.

i tried to follow along but saturday noon brain isnt working :slight_smile:

if you will type an example of what you mean, might be able to respond accurately.

Ok. Ihave a couple of pistons that have waits in them. And a couple of weeks or so ago the waits stopped working. ie The logs would show a schedule wake up at the correct time, but it would cancel out and restart the wait timer and never reach the scheduled wake up. These are pistons that run both of my bathroom fans when taking a shower and then running for 60 mins. and then shut off. The only way I could get them to work is like this:

Here is the master bathroom fan piston:(this works, but don’t want it working like this)

For the shut off I want if humidity drops below 80% then wait 60mins, then shut off.
This one will not work:
Logs for turn on ok:
8/19/2017, 2:30:55 PM +972ms
+3ms ╔Received event [Master Bathroom Motion].humidity = 91 with a delay of 577ms
+504ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 90ms > PS > 191ms > PE > 223ms > CE
+516ms ║Runtime (51949 bytes) successfully initialized in 191ms (v0.2.0e5.20170812) (511ms)
+518ms ║╔Execution stage started
+558ms ║║Comparison (integer) 91 rises_above (integer) 90 = true (2ms)
+561ms ║║Cancelling condition #83’s schedules…
+562ms ║║Condition #83 evaluated true (18ms)
+571ms ║║Comparison (boolean) false is (boolean) false = true (4ms)
+574ms ║║Condition #84 evaluated true (11ms)
+593ms ║║Comparison (enum) on is (string) on = true (3ms)
+595ms ║║Cancelling condition #118’s schedules…
+597ms ║║Condition #118 evaluated true (21ms)
+598ms ║║Cancelling condition #75’s schedules…
+599ms ║║Condition group #75 evaluated true (state changed) (56ms)
+604ms ║║Cancelling statement #77’s schedules…
+1211ms ║║Executed physical command [Master Bathroom Fan].on() (598ms)
+1212ms ║║Executed [Master Bathroom Fan].on (601ms)
+1222ms ║║Executed virtual command [Master Bathroom Fan].setVariable (4ms)
+1228ms ║║Executed virtual command [Master Bathroom Fan].wait (1ms)
+1229ms ║║Requesting a wake up for Sat, Aug 19 2017 @ 3:30:57 PM EDT (in 3600.0s)
+1256ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (738ms)
+1259ms ║Setting up scheduled job for Sat, Aug 19 2017 @ 3:30:57 PM EDT (in 3599.973s)
+1387ms ╚Event processed successfully (1386ms)
Last log with no scheduled wake up:
8/19/2017, 3:05:55 PM +290ms
+1ms ╔Received event [Master Bathroom Motion].humidity = 67 with a delay of 389ms
+360ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 88ms > PS > 77ms > PE > 196ms > CE
+433ms ║Runtime (51955 bytes) successfully initialized in 77ms (v0.2.0e5.20170812) (431ms)
+434ms ║╔Execution stage started
+463ms ║║Comparison (integer) 67 rises_above (integer) 90 = false (2ms)
+466ms ║║Condition #83 evaluated false (13ms)
+467ms ║║Condition group #75 evaluated false (state did not change) (15ms)
+483ms ║║Comparison (enum) on is (string) off = false (3ms)
+486ms ║║Condition #96 evaluated false (16ms)
+487ms ║║Condition group #76 evaluated false (state did not change) (19ms)
+504ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (70ms)
+513ms ╚Event processed successfully (513ms)
I’ve tried if-then-else-if-then = no luck
if-then, if-then = no luck
Maybe I’m overthinking,no I know I’m overthinking it!:grin:
Any advise would be appreciated. Ty

AND these are not the original ones I started with either. Probably got 'em all screwed up.

To be honest I’m not completely sure what you are trying to achieve but I have a very simple one that turns on and off my bathroom fan when we have a shower and the fan needs to turn on and off.
Not sure if this helps or not but here it is.
EDIT: I use a variable as I use the humidity sensor for other things.

I’ll try and incorporate that and see if it will work.
I’m trying to accomplish several things at once. So probably just need to go back to basic and build from there.
thanx @bobbles

@kebel871 heres the first cut. the only thing that is currently not in place is text color and background color for the item tiles. set tile is behaving oddly when i use the variables with color names in them. so, i have set the item tiles to use white on tungsten for right now. its down to 14 chunks. if/when @ady624’s provides some sort of method to stuff a list variable it will likely come down to 12 chunks.

sorry for the delay, had to attend a BBQ. cant pass up on meat and beer. :slight_smile:

EDIT: updated the piston a bit to perform more efficiently by not drawing all the tiles, all the time - even though it takes a little more space. so went from 14 to 16 chunks.

Hey thanks a ton, will be looking at it more closely tomorrow morning as I am myself coming back from free beers and going to bed. :blush:

cheers! :smile:

What is the best way to turn a light on for an amount of time? Lets say a half hour.

@agenovese820 how you doing on this one … got it all figured out? :slight_smile:

I think I am getting the hang of this, but I am having trouble with the volume on my Samsung R1 speakers. Even though I am setting the level to 100, I can still barely hear it. Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong?

You need to use the tileSetLevel() option instead of setLevel.for the R1 speaker.

When you select tileSetLevel() you’ll need to look for the Parameters button and click it then select integer. This give you a field where you can add your desired volume.

Works well for me

I also have a Samsung R3 and would like to add the using an integer in tilesetlevel() does not directly correspond with the speakers volume. For me if i use a tilesetlevel() integer of 24, my speaker volume equals 7. You have to play around with it to get the right volume.

I was curious is there a way to specify what program to run with ecobee? Like if no one is in the house set away if its already on home.

Thanks! That worked perfectly.