[DEPRECATED Thread: visit community.webcore.co for assistance] webCoRE - Piston Design Help (ask your fellow members for assistance)

You could just exclude the backdoor from the SHM sensor check?

Ideally I would like to dynamically change what is monitored by SHM. Not sure if there is a way to do this, but I would like to have a couple virtual switches for different zones, and have webCore be able to add sensors to SHM based on the status of those virtual switches. Is this possible?

Those weather tile pistons are now also on the wiki. The wiki will always have the most recent versions of the piston (and they already are newer than what is here, using the new rainbowValue() function to have a smooth transition between the tile background colors based on temperature.


Most of my lights are set to timers and/or motion sensors. However, there are times that I would like the light to stay on indefinitely, until physically turned switched off.

To implement this, I was thinking a normal press for on would run the time/motion setting but if a button was double tapped, the light would blink (off then on again) confirming that it has gone into indefinite mode.

Is this possible and if so, can someone help me with how it should be written?

I use Smartthings, have GE Z-Wave Switches and dumb LED Bulbs.


That would be great! Thank you.

just wanted to clarify something, when you say button was double tapped, do you mean a separate button device or the switch for the GE zwave switch was double tapped?


I’m trying to get at the wind speed as well. Recently installed the Smart Weather 2.0 device, works great, but how do I get WebCore to grab the weather value? Also, noting this piston the “Weather” function/device doesn’t seem to hook to anything when I import it to try and make it work on my end?

Any help is appreciated.


@ady624 @anon36505037

Hate to be a pain but… Can you take a look and let me know if it’s my piston or if it’s something that’ll be worked on? Thank you in advance.

Here’s an example piston where day evaluation is failing on Sundays (it also doesn’t work on Wednesdays):

… and here’s the matching log that shows that line #5 evaluated as true

GE zwave Switch was double tapped.

Thank you for taking a look.

I agree. I have (6) similar pistons and they all turn their respective lights off early on Sundays (as per the example above) and also turn their respective lights off late on Wednesdays. All other nights work as they were intended.

Someone else noted earlier in this thread that they have a reminder to turn on their coffeemaker the night before each work day (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu) - but the reminder is showing up on Saturday too.

So these two issues (only ones I’m aware of) seem to indicate that there may be a bug with webCoRE’s day-evaluations.

Thank you again for taking a look.

With an electronic lock, you can have the alarm disabled when the lock unlocks. I do this for my bedroom door that leads to my deck so the dogs can go out in the middle of the night. It rearms as soon as I lock the door. Easy to do with webCoRE.

@OneFast440 yes, i will post an example later today. just note that the double tap on the zwave switch means the light will have to be turned on then off then on again within specified seconds to work. the double tap is not an event that the zwave switch itself would recognize.

this is why i removed my earlier post and asked the question about wether it is the switch button or a separate button device. thank you clarifying that. will post later.

Non dimmer GE switches are capable of recognizing double on/off taps


thanks @c1arkbar i will try that out. i probably tried a dimmer one last night.

@OneFast440 here is another piston i had posted earlier. what this does is, if the light was turned on by motion, it will get turned off by motion. but if it was turned on manually it will not be turned off with motion and stay on till turned off.

i will still post the other example if this does not solve your use case, but thought i would share and check if this would work for what you have in mind?

EDIT: the set level in there was specific to what the user had asked for, you could always modify that or remove completely if its a non-dimmable bulb.

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Thanks bandali, that is another useful tool, however it does not help in my
current instance. Manual activation is always required.

@bangalI just imported your piston
Works perfectly for my use case
Just a quick, thanks

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@SteMac awesome! great, to hear! this one above?

@bangali… yep the one above
Just changed it to ‘sunrise’ and 'sunset’
Perfect… humming away
I had had a few goes at doing this piston but couldn’t get there!
You made it easy

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awesome! great to hear it worked for you. i will also add a more generic version of it, as a sample on the wiki.

if you need help with other pistons, just ask on this thread. there are plenty of users on the forum that would be glad to help.

thanks for taking the time to let me know that it worked for you, always appreciated. :slight_smile: