I need the help from the experts for sure. I did reinstall from scratch and even started from Rasbian and installed the node.js version 8.12.0 with assistant-relay v2.1.1.
I got the message Assistant Relay is now setup and running for ram.
Getting the below error If I try to access using http://localhost:3000 or using the ip
This site can’t be reached
localhost refused to connect.
I would really appreciate if you could help me to resolve this issue. I don’t know what went wrong twice.
How can this be used with SHM or other smartapps that cant sent POST requests? Didn’t v0.1 have a device handler that created a device in ST, can that be used with v2?
Also is there a way to better sync the speaker output together, when I issue a broadcast the message is echoed thoughout my house. Each speaker is not playing the message at the exact same time.
Interesting developments are occurring with the Google Broadcast feature -
“The Broadcast feature for smart speakers and Smart Displays will now be more of a two way street than a simple broadcast. When you’re out and sending a broadcast users listening to it will be able to respond.”
I just ran the command forever start server/app.js and looks like the server is running but got the below message.
warn: --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms
warn: --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms
info: Forever processing file: server/app.js
When I access my local host I’m getting the message “Dude, chill, it’s quiet time!”
I did change the time values to start as 25 and end as 25 didn’t work then tried 0 and 0 didn’t help
“muteStartup”: true,
“quietHours”: {
“start”: 25,
“end”: 25
The syncing is supposed to be fixed in later releases of Google Assistant.
As for sending broadcasts from SHM, there’s no way to do that natively but you can use a Virtual switch and “alert with lights” to turn on that switch. You can then respond to that virtual switch from something like webCoRE.
I recently setup Google Assistant Relay v2 and was also wondering how this would interact with SmartThings and have built a smartapp to handle POSTing the JSON to the Google Assistant Relay server to get notifications in the event of any of my devices changing state.
Is anyone currently having problems with Assistant Relay? Before I go tearing apart my end, it would be nice to clarify it’s not Google’s end. It seemed to stop a few days ago (~20 November?).
I’m posting the attached template within Postman and these are the results -
Strangely, lack of response from Assistant Relay ‘self-fixed’ after a couple of days without my intervention.
I have a mechanism that is polling the Assistant Relay with a command every 30 seconds. I’m beginning to wonder whether Google ‘kicks-off’ accounts for over-use, or has some other limit prescribed.
Everything seems fine there.
If you see the logs in Assistant Relay saying it’s triggered X, then there’s nothing wrong on this side, the issue is likely either with your account configuration or Google