[DEPRECATED] Free Ecobee Suite, Version 1.2.*

Something is wrong with your setup, I think - it worked fine for several users yesterday, and I haven’t changed anything in a while…

Did you add the branch to both My SmartApps and My Device Handlers? From the sounds of it, you didn’t add the branch to My SmartApps in your IDE.

(And yes, both are the same Branch).

@storageanarchy - can I name them something different so that they don’t look exactly the same? I literally have two different entries in the REPO for the exact same branch. How do I know which one is for the DH and which one is for the SA?

And I do have both of them added…and get the error when I try to add the SmartApps.

I suggest you remove them ALL, then re-enter them again.

If you do it correctly, you will have ONE entry like this: SmartThingsPublic (StorageAnarchy-Ecobee) in the Update from Repo drop down on your My SmartApps page in the IDE, and ONE entry like that on your My Devices page in the IDE.

There’s no reason you should be changing the names - I have set it up so that it is clear which repo is mine.

@storageanarchy - I think the problem is that the first one in your list of apps is giving me the error:


If I don’t select that one everything publishes correctly. So what is the purpose behind this SA?

@storageanarchy OK, now when I try to setup in ST I get the following error after entering my credentials:

“Device still in use. Remove any SmartApps or Dashboards, then try again”.

I am stuck on this screen and cannot go back…it keeps bringing me back to this screen.

I removed all existing EcoBee ccode (stock SA from ST) and made sure that no routines/smartapps were accessing the devices.

@storageanarchy - and now I am getting an error trying to remove it from ST. So I seem to be stuck after getting EcoBee and SmartThings to connect. I can’t proceed past the credentials screen due to the error above, and I can’t remove the SA because “An unexpected error occured”.

No devices have been added to ST yet, so nothing has been added to any routines or modes.

@storageanarchy - Wait! I now have two devices named “Ecobee Sensor: TestingForInstall” and “Ecobee Thermostat: TestingForInstall”.

Maybe I should wait longer? I have waited for ten minutes, and I have three sensors outside of the thermostat so I assume I would see three unique devices?

And will the “TestingForInstall” go away eventually?

@storageanarchy - here is the IDE log when I try to “Save” at the credentials screen:

60d8ea75-07ba-42ee-864e-ef7c8af4ec91 8:02:43 AM: error physicalgraph.exception.ConflictException: Device still in use. Remove from any SmartApps or Dashboards, then try again
60d8ea75-07ba-42ee-864e-ef7c8af4ec91 8:02:43 AM: warn Ready to delete these devices. [Ecobee Sensor:TestingForInstall, Ecobee Thermostat:TestingForInstall]
60d8ea75-07ba-42ee-864e-ef7c8af4ec91 8:02:43 AM: debug getChildDevices(true), children=2
60d8ea75-07ba-42ee-864e-ef7c8af4ec91 8:02:43 AM: debug sunriseAndSunset == [sunrise:Thu Jan 11 13:48:00 UTC 2018, sunset:Thu Jan 11 22:52:00 UTC 2018]
60d8ea75-07ba-42ee-864e-ef7c8af4ec91 8:02:43 AM: info getZipCode() returning 55071

This is the log message after I click “save” on this screen (note that I cannot go any further and it shows that Ecobee has been connected to ST)


That’s not a smartapp. That is just the readme file in GitHub. You can ignore it completely.


I think I have added way too many comments to this thread already :slight_smile:

However - I think the issue was my Alexa integration. Alexa seemed to grab the testing device automatically and add it to her skills and I did not know it had happened.

I guess that this is what stopped the rest of the setup process as Alexa had commandeered the testing device and held it hostage so the rest of the setup could not continue.

OK - last question (I hope)

Are the routines to change the thermostat to home or away triggered completely through the routine smartapp? In other words, I am not adding any triggers to the “home” and “away” routines present in ST to make any changes to the thermostat correct? The thermostat mode will change based upon the triggering of one of these modes, but the actual definition of that trigger is in the Ecobee routine smartapp.

I hope that wasn’t too confusing…but I don’t have any thermostat devices added to the built in ST routines. I only have two routines setup in the Ecobee SA, one for “arrive” and one for “away” changing the thermostat to “Home” and “Away” respectively.

That isn’t a SmartApp - it is the README file. You shouldn’t try to install that in your IDE (but I highly encourage everyone to read it!!!).

Yes. It sounds like you have it configured correctly.

See, we can’t change the SmartThings Routines code, so instead the “Mode/Routine/Program Handler” monitors for changes in Mode or Routine execution (or Ecobee Program Changes) and then does whatever you configure it to do.

Note that you SHOULD NOT install instances of the Helper SmartApps directly - you MUST use the interface within Ecobee (Connect) to create and modify those SmartApps.

(Just FYI: This is done so that you don’t have dozens of Helper SmartApps in your “Smart Applications” list on your Mobile, and the code of these Helpers won’t work if they aren’t created by Ecobee (Connect).)

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@storageanarchy - for what it’s worth…the reason why I was confused about the GitHub integration is because your instructions tell us to add the repo for both the DH and SA…in each section. It might be better to separate out the “adding the repo” to it’s own section at the top and then walk through the addition of the DH and SA. That is where I got tripped up since I was following your instructions line by line exactly as you had written them.

Also - GREAT WORK! I love the interface in ST and the home and away triggers worked like magic today. So nice!!! Is there a way to donate to the effort?

Thanks for the feedback, but I don’t understand it. From my documentation:

Install Device Handlers
Here we will install two (2) different Device Handlers:

  • Ecobee Thermostat
  • Ecobee Sensor

Follow the steps for either the GitHub Integration or the Manual method below. Do not try to do both methods.

Install Using GitHub Integration (Recommended Method)
Follow these steps (all within the SmartThings IDE):

  • Click on the My Device Handlers tab
  • Click Settings
  • Click Add new repository and use the following parameters:
    Owner: SANdood
    Name: SmartThingsPublic
    Branch: StorageAnarchy-Ecobee
  • Click Save
  • Click Update from Repo and select the repository we just added above
  • Find and Select ecobee-sensor.groovy and ecobee-thermostat.groovy
  • Select Publish(bottom right of screen near the Cancel button)
  • Click Execute Update
  • Note the response at the top. It should be something like “Updated 0 devices and created 2 new devices, 2 published”
  • Verify that the two devices show up in the list and are marked with Status Published (NOTE: You may have to reload the My Device Handlers screen for the devices to show up properly.)

As noted, this work is fully Open Source, and available for use at no charge. However, if you would like to make a donation, you can send it to me at PayPal.Me

If I follow the instructions exactly as written, I will add the GitHub repository when installing the Device Handlers:

AND when I install the SmartApps I am also told to add the GitHib repository:

So - following the directions exactly ass written will result in two instances of your GitHub branch present in my repository.

I understand it now, and probably should have questioned why I was adding your branch twice, but wanted to ensure I followed exactly as you had intended.

That is why I recommended having the installation sections grouped as such:

  1. Adding GitHub branch to repository
  2. Adding Device Handlers
  3. Adding SmartApps

That way it keeps the GitHub addition as a single instance that covers both the DH and SA.

Hmmm… You used to have to install the GitHub link twice, and I didn’t realize that had changed. Thanks for brining it to my attention. I will do a little digging into if/why/when, then I’ll fix the documentation.


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Anybody else have this problem?

Been happening a lot lately to both sensors

Yeah same here. Noticed mine started having this problem yesterday.