[DEPRECATED] Fibaro Motion Detector v3.2 (Alpha Release)

yup this version doesn’t send configuration commands on wakeup like @CyrilPeponnet version for the old version of the sensor. it could be done but i have neither the time or inclination to achieve the same for the new version as i am not using it personally. heck i don’t even use it on the old version as i find just configuring it when first installing manually works well for me…again cant comment on the new version as i don’t have it.

I am wondering why the last two guys are struggling though when others have used my code fine…i think its probably best to ask either @jamesilicious or @jonpho to document with screen grabs the process they are taking as i am out of ideas.

I have documented the config process for parameters before in ST in post #2 in the following thread, i figure read that as it should be the same process here as well.