[DEPRECATED] EchoSistant Evolved ~ Amazon Echo's Only Assistant with Robust Scheduling and Flexible Reporting

Ok I figured it out. I just set up ES today. I had pulled a stupid and had a profile set up with the same intent name “home” and my main intent so i think it was confused. Got rid of that profile and it works now.


I have found “no thank you” works much better for me


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I tell mine to shut up. She calls me a name. I tell her to make me a sammich. She ignores me for a day.

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Ok another noob question. When I try to run routines I get the following on any routine I try. My routines are listed in Lambda under the system controls. Any suggestions?

I’ll look into what’s going on. I haven’t tried to run any routines… I’ve just never liked saying… run routine… lol…

So, I created a profile called “House”. One of the actions is to run my Sleep routine.

I just say… Alexa, tell the House (insert anything here, like… I’m going to bed)

and it runs the routine. I also did it this way cause anybody can say… .Alexa, tell the House… and it doesn’t matter what they say after that… it always works… lol

Did you try, Alexa tell Home Good Night? You don’t need to say run or add the ‘routine’ word.

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This worked. Thank you.


Alright, I tried my hand at profiles and can’t for the life of me get it to work.

I created a profile named “LivingRoom” in the smartapp and assigned only my one lamp to it.

I added “LivingRoom” to the main intent list of devices.

I created the new skill for “LivingRoom” just as outlined in the instructions, but only get “Unable to generate request for your skill” when I try to test it.

Is there something obvious I’m doing wrong? I already insured all of the words “LivingRoom” are the exact same except for the utterance of course which is two words The only thing not in the instructions when setting up was what to do on the configuration page so I used the same ARN as the main intent.

Hmmm, it sounds like you’ve done right. Please post your logs

I have a weird on and I don’t know what mistake I am making

I created a profile called ‘ofc’ in ST and AWS. The invocation is office. I have 22 other profiles working just fine with the same setup.

I have 1 switch in the called ‘Office Light’ under devices and switches.

I can say “Alexa, office” and I receive the normal “How may I help you”

However, if I say “Alexa turn on the lights in the office” Alexa ‘gongs’ 3-4 times.

In the AWS testing screen the same command gives me a message that says 'Unable to generate request for your skill" and nothing appears in the ST logs.

Any ideas?

Try to test in AWS just ‘turn on the lights’… adding IN the office, confuses the test because it contains your invocation.

Make sure you don’t have a device named office light authorized with Alexa native integration…

But I do have a device called ‘Office Light’ and it is integrated into Alexa.

I’m confused as to why this would be an issue.

Nope I get the same response… Unable to generate request for your skill

Are you testing from the ofc skill? The native integration takes priority, so it matches first your device, and doesn’t route it to ES

I am testing from the ofc skill and now I am more confused, so this is what I did.

I have a device in the office called ‘Office TV’.

I created a group within the ofc skill named TV and the only device in the group is ‘Office TV’

If say “Alexa, turn on the TV in the office” I get the same response as above.

ok, recap… your invocation is ‘office’ … your intent is ‘ofc’ and your Profile is ‘ofc’… correct?

Did you add the devices to the list of devices?

No need for that…


In fact, I have an ES setup as bedroom that is configured the exact same way.

I can’t figure it out.

I am going to start it all over and get back to you.

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