[DEPRECATED ] Automatic Connected Car- Integration with SmartThings

Good news!

FYI, I just finished completing a major update that allows near real time events processing.

So, events like “Ignition On/Off, Hard Acceleration/Brake, Speeding, Trip Completed” are processed in real time as soon as they are sent by the Automatic platform.

This opens the door to more automation with SmartThings…

And, IFTTT will no longer be necessary as it introduces a latency that is not viable for HA.

The code update will be sent to all my existing contributors…

Also, new look& feel based on the generic multi-tile UI.

The Automatic Car Connected device is available now for download at my store:


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I’m currently in the states coming home in Canada. I’ll buy the adapter on the way back and try it out. Looks great!


Can this be used as a presence device to be used as an additional presence sensor?

The presence capability is already part of the DTH (device).

You just need to add your home address (ex. zip code) in the device’s preferences.

Now, that I added the real time processing, I need to test it at home. I do not see why
it would not work…




The upcoming new version will add the localFuelCostPerVolUnit as a device’s preference.

This way, anybody who is not happy with the Automatic’s default fuel cost’s value can edit the cost
and specify the right cost per volume ( gallon or liter)



I’ve now released a smartapp to do real-time (RT) Automatic HA scenarios within ST.

You can select one or many RT events, and when detected, the smartapp can then turn on/off some switch(es) and/or execute a routine…

The list of RT Automatic events are:

  • ‘ignition:on’,
  • ‘ignition:off’,
  • ‘trip:finished’
  • ‘notification:speeding’
  • ‘notification:hard_brake’
  • ‘notification:hard_accel’
  • ‘mil:on’, (check engine light On)
  • ‘mil:off’, (check engine light Off)
  • ‘hmi:interaction’
  • ‘location:updated’

Of course, you can also use My Automatic device’s presence capability for your own routine(s).


The smartapp works with My Automatic device that you can now download at my store:

For more details, refer to the ST community wiki:




Thanks for the update, 5 minutes install is perhaps a bit optimistic but will give it a try when I have a bit more time

Hi, did you test presence yet? I didn’t have much luck with IFTTT and automatic in this regard and am wondering how well this works?


My tests are conclusive so far… The only thing is the way it is displayed under the presence tile (UI issue only).

Somehow, for my device (maybe because I’m keep updating the same device), the text associated to the presence’s value (such as departed at hh:mm or arrived at hh:mm) is not always in sync with the value of the device’s attribute.

The good news is that the presence value itself is consistent and valid.



Good to know!

Hi @yvesracine, Is presence working with Full Address also or ZIP code only.
I’m testing with Full address but it dit not work :frowning:

Hi, If you indicate the full address, it has to exactly match the end address of a trip back home.

To avoid any issue, just indicate the zipCode/postal code of the street name.



For those who are interested by Automatic, I also coded a smartapp that sends all stats generated for a driving day to groveStreams for analytics purposes.

See the smartapp here:


P.S. You can use the same script for sending MyEcobee device’s stats to groveStreams as well…

Hi @yvesracine, I just purchased this code. So your saying to put “11111” if that is my zip code in the “minimum Home Address info for presence settings”? How does Automatic know where my home is then? Wouldn’t this then mark me a present the second I enter my zip code?

No, the presence will be updated at the next completed trip.

The code then compares the homeAddress (zipcode or street name) set in the preferences with
the last trip’s end address.


Hmmm…what if I go to a completed trip in the same zip code? For example, my in laws live around the block from me and obviously share my zip code, but aren’t in my Geofence.


In a big city, usually a zipcode/postal code is your block, so the zipcode should be enough in this case.

Otherwise, you just need to specify your street name or even more.

The homeAddress preference can also be your complete address, but you need to specify it as
indicated by Automatic in the endAddress field after a trip back home.

Any variation in the homeAddress will make the comparison produce different result…

P.S. To know the exact format of your “eventTripEndAddress” field after a trip back home, you just need to visualize the device attributes under


by clicking on your Automatic device.

EDIT: For more details, please refer to the ST community wiki (item 11):



Here in the US, zip code can be quite large. I noticed in my Activity Feed for my last trip’s starting address, it actually had my neighbors house. Does that stay the same every time? I can just program that in. So for example, if I live on 26 Smith Street, I am just going to program in 28 Smith Street.

In the IDE, I don’t see the endAddress, but that could be because I am at work now and haven’t started/completed a trip yet?

Yes, as I said earlier, as soon as you have a completed trip back home, then you should see your eventTripEndAddress filled in with your actual address.

The geofence value at Automatic should be close enough to your actual address (like mine is 95-99 StreetName) when my actual address is 95.

P.S. If you want to use your complete address, then I recommend to do a copy and paste of the address value in the eventTripEndAddress field.


Ok, I will let you know how this works out when I get home. On another note, two other feature requests:

  1. Would it be possible to change the icon’s of the actual device?

  2. Everyday I use Waze to send my wife a notification that I am leaving the office and it gives her an ETA according to traffic when I will be home. Is there anyway this can be completely automated? I am pretty sure this is outside the scope of what iOS can even do, but figured I would ask. I am open to suggestions for accomplishing any of this.