Custom Capability and CLI Developer Preview

Yes, it’s got the stock ones still in there. The stock ones (door control, switch) are the ones I care most about as far as driving automations.

Ok, here I go, head first to begin the migration of my Ambient Weather Station DTH into the new ST Client :nerd_face:…

I have created a device profile on my Developers Workspace and added/arranged the standard capabilities so that when I select the Ambient Weather Station device, it should display those capabilities I desire for the device. I would like the temperature measurement and motion on the dashboard tile and more weather attribute details on the devices detail when I press on the tile.

I have entered the new vid Device Profile ID information into the DTH of the device DTH as follows and after clearing the iphones’ cache and restarting the new ST app, the tile does not display what I desire at all. I would love to know what I need to do in order to get this DTH working as many of my users have migrated and the old DTH is willfully sparse. Thannks!


metadata {
    definition (
        name			: "Ambient Weather Station",
        namespace		: "kurtsanders",
        //  vid:			 "generic-temperature-measurement",
        vid				: "66f645bf-dab4-43e5-bfcd-75fa0410eebc",
        ocfDeviceType	: ["", ""],
        cstHandler		: true, 
        mnmn			: "SmartThings"
        capability "Temperature Measurement"
        capability "Relative Humidity Measurement"
        capability "Illuminance Measurement"
        capability "Water Sensor"
        capability "Ultraviolet Index"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "Refresh"
        capability "Battery"

Device Basic Info

Device Profile Capabilities

Device Details in new ST Client

Any vids created through this process use mnmn: β€œSmartThingsCommunity”

I haven’t tried working through the Developer Workspace, so I don’t know if that’s a viable way to generate a vid for a Groovy DTH, and I don’t know if that Device Profile ID is the same thing as a vid. I’m thinking not since the capabilities displayed in the app are completely different from those in your device.

If changing the mnmn doesn’t do anything for you, try downloading the CLI and working through the instructions in the first post of this thread beginning with the Generate / Post Device Configuration section.


Well, I explored several ways to create a time display yesterday but I think what you suggested is really going toe my only option. The limiting factor is not being able to display two capabilities side by side on one β€˜tile’. So now the question, @erickv, is when is the textField going to be fixed?

So now that I have my capability working, I’m wondering if it can be made to show a graph similar to the default temperature capability. Any ideas?

I tried this but it still stays 1. the β€œstep” attribute does not seem to be used. the step is always 1. Hopefully this is on the list to be fixed. thanks,

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It is one of my long standing concerns that the app plugin implements functionality that is not only completely undocumented, but completely ignores the device presentation. Temperature is a good example, especially when combined with Humidity, but even Switch ignores the label and changes the button type.

If that happens with standard capabilities, what is to stop it playing fast and loose with our custom capabilities in future?


Another list of questions. Sorry if these have been answered already. For context, a lot of my devices are wifi esp8266 based devices running Tasmota.

  1. With the classic app getting sunset, I assume it’s ok to delete all the Tile information from my device handlers as the new app doesn’t use them?

  2. The method in which the device handler communicates to my devices is by doing sendHubCommand which send http requests to a custom web server I built. When groovy goes away, what will be the best method for getting the app integrations over to my web server?

  3. The method in which the devices update the state of the app (physical interactions, sensor updates, etc) is by using the execute method which sends the data from my web server to SmartThings in json. The device handler parses this json. I assume in the future I would just interact with all the capabilities through the API and there will be no device handler code to execute?

@erickv any update on when the commands will work with switch and toggleSwitch in detailView?

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Ugh…oh my goodness, please disregard. This was just me overlooking how my own code works.

While reinstalling my app during some testing, I completely forgot to associate sensors with my doors, which caused the β€œno-sensor” DTH to be used, which has a much more limited set of capabilities. I remedied that, and everything is back to normal.

If you pull the capability presentation for any of those nifty looking capabilities you can see what they’re doing. I’m away from my dev computer, but if I remember correctly it looks like they’re keying those special presentations off of the label. As @orangebucket said, there’s something going on in a black box that we can’t see or control (yet?).

Yes, if you’re no longer using classic. I’m still using both so I haven’t taken this step yet.

If your web server is accessible over the internet, take a look at the new developer workspace. I haven’t worked with it yet, but there are other threads about it. If you’re wanting to keep the traffic on your LAN, I don’t think we know what the answer is yet.

I don’t think we’ve gotten a good explanation yet of what the future is for hub-connected device handlers when the groovy IDE goes away.

After they β€˜officially’ deprecate classic in 45 days, knock yourself out.

I 'm hoping @jody.albritton’s post here: Get ready to make the switch! - #1953 by jody.albritton includes that…

I am currently working on an in depth tutorial talking about how to connect devices like these directly to the cloud.


Hi, @kurtsanders

I’ve noticed that you’ve passed the device profile Id instead of the vid at your DTH’s definition.

To have a better reference for these values, download your device_config.json file from the Developer Workspace, at the UI Display section of your current Device profile.

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Dear @erickv,

Thanks for noticing that mistake. I made the change below to the DTH but the device tile still does not render what I specified in the json… Here are screenshots that have me scratching {banging} my head…(I’m using all standard capabilities for now)…

metadata {
    definition (
        name			: "Ambient Weather Station",
        namespace		: "kurtsanders",
        author			: "",
        vid				: "5cf77327-f54d-4c2b-be9a-4ec31a3bfcd6",
        mnmn			: "0Av0"
        capability "Temperature Measurement"
        capability "Relative Humidity Measurement"
        capability "Illuminance Measurement"
        capability "Water Sensor"
        capability "Ultraviolet Index"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "Refresh"
        capability "Battery"

        // Wind Motion Detection
        capability "Motion Sensor"
        // Wind Speed Psuedo Capability
        capability "Power Meter"
        capability "Energy Meter"

Missing Temperature on Dashboard and detail screen

Missing Power Meter, energyMeter, powerConsumptionReport, Refresh

smartthings deviceprofiles

β”‚ # β”‚ Name                                  β”‚ Status    β”‚ Id                                   β”‚
β”‚ 1 β”‚ Ambient Weather Station               β”‚ PUBLISHED β”‚ b905ad36-0398-4954-a788-eb517d9028ee β”‚
β”‚ 2 β”‚ Ambient Weather Station Remote Sensor β”‚ PUBLISHED β”‚ 948c96cb-e96d-4b23-b065-094c78a422a0 β”‚

device.json file that is published on my β€˜0Av0’ account

  "mnmn": "0Av0",
  "vid": "5cf77327-f54d-4c2b-be9a-4ec31a3bfcd6",
  "type": "profile",
  "dashboard": {
    "states": [
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "temperatureMeasurement",
        "version": 1
    "actions": []
  "detailView": [
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "temperatureMeasurement",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "relativeHumidityMeasurement",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "illuminanceMeasurement",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "ultravioletIndex",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "motionSensor",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "waterSensor",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "battery",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "powerMeter",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "energyMeter",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "powerConsumptionReport",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
      "component": "main",
      "capability": "refresh",
      "version": 1,
      "values": []
  "automation": {
    "conditions": [
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "temperatureMeasurement",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "relativeHumidityMeasurement",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "illuminanceMeasurement",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "ultravioletIndex",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "motionSensor",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "waterSensor",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "battery",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "powerMeter",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "energyMeter",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "powerConsumptionReport",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "refresh",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
    "actions": [
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "temperatureMeasurement",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "relativeHumidityMeasurement",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "illuminanceMeasurement",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "ultravioletIndex",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "motionSensor",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "waterSensor",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "battery",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "powerMeter",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "energyMeter",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "powerConsumptionReport",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []
        "component": "main",
        "capability": "refresh",
        "version": 1,
        "values": []

smartthings presentation 5cf77327-f54d-4c2b-be9a-4ec31a3bfcd6 0Av0

Basic Information
β”‚ VID      β”‚ 5cf77327-f54d-4c2b-be9a-4ec31a3bfcd6 β”‚
β”‚ MNMN     β”‚ 0Av0                                 β”‚
β”‚ Icon URL β”‚                                      β”‚

Dashboard States
β”‚ Label                                      β”‚ Alternatives β”‚ Group β”‚
β”‚ {{temperature.value}} {{temperature.unit}} β”‚ 3            β”‚       β”‚

No dashboard actions

No dashboard basic plus items

Detail Views
β”‚ Capability                  β”‚ Version β”‚ Component β”‚
β”‚ temperatureMeasurement      β”‚ 1       β”‚ main      β”‚
β”‚ relativeHumidityMeasurement β”‚ 1       β”‚ main      β”‚
β”‚ illuminanceMeasurement      β”‚ 1       β”‚ main      β”‚
β”‚ ultravioletIndex            β”‚ 1       β”‚ main      β”‚
β”‚ motionSensor                β”‚ 1       β”‚ main      β”‚
β”‚ waterSensor                 β”‚ 1       β”‚ main      β”‚
β”‚ battery                     β”‚ 1       β”‚ main      β”‚
β”‚ powerMeter                  β”‚ 1       β”‚ main      β”‚
β”‚ energyMeter                 β”‚ 1       β”‚ main      β”‚
β”‚ refresh                     β”‚ 1       β”‚ main      β”‚

Automation Conditions
β”‚ Label                                                 β”‚ Display Type β”‚
β”‚ ___PO_CODE_SMARTTHINGS_DREAM_SAC_TMBODY_UV_INDEX      β”‚ numberField  β”‚
β”‚ ___PO_CODE_SMARTTHINGS_DREAM_SAC_TMBODY_BATTERY       β”‚ numberField  β”‚

Automation Actions
β”‚ Label                                             β”‚ Display Type β”‚

Device States/Values

Current States	
ultravioletIndex: 0
energy: 1.1
power: 0
battery: 100 %
humidity: 98 %
water: dry
illuminance: 0 lux
motion: inactive
temperature: 66 F
scheduleFreqMin: 5
location: Xenia, Ohio
humidityin_display: 54%
windspeedmph: 0 mph
moonAge: 14
weeklyrainin_display: 0 in
hourlyrainin: 0 in
winddirection: W
macAddress: 84:F3:EB:67:9D:D2
monthlyrainin: 0 in
baromrelin_real: 30.07
localSunset: 8:05
totalrainin_display: 104.24 in
totalrainin_real: 104.24
weeklyrainin_real: 0
hourlyrainin_display: 0 in
baromrelin_display: 30.07inHg
tempf_real: 66
alertDescription: 1. ...Fog will reduce visibility this morning... Areas of fog forming under humid and calm conditions will reduce visibility to a quarter mile or less in a few spots this morning. Keep an eye out for cha 2. ...DENSE FOG ADVISORY IN EFFECT UNTIL 10 AM EDT THIS MORNING... * WHAT...Visibility one quarter mile or less in dense fog. * WHERE...Portions of East Central and Southeast Indiana, Northeast and North
humidityin: 54 %
monthlyrainin_display: 0 in
eventrainin_display: 0 in
windspeedmph_display: 0 mph
tempinf_real: 72.1
lastRainDuration: 2 days, 22 hours, 41 minutes
dailyrainin_real: 0
secondaryControl: (2 Alerts) Humidity is 98% at 6:05 am
feelsLike_real: 66
solarradiation_real: 252.38
solarradiation: 0 lux
ultravioletIndexDisplay: Low (0)
dewPoint: 65.42 F
baromabsin_display: 29.02inHg
windspeedmph_real: 0
tempinf: 72.1 F
humidity_real: 98
baromrelin: 30.07 inHg
dewPoint_real: 65.42
windgustmph_real: 0
monthlyrainin_real: 0
eventrainin: 0 in
pwsName: TimberRidge
baromabsin_real: 29.02
lastRain: Sat Aug 29, 7:24 AM
lastSTupdate: V5.0.5 Tile Last Refreshed at Tue Sep 1, 6:05:14 AM
windgustmph: 0 mph
date: Tue Sep 1, 6:04:00 AM
dewPoint_display: 65.42Β°F
humidity_display: 98%
tempf_display: 66Β°F
rainForecast: Rain 20%
feelsLike: 66 F
winddir: 278 mph
unitsOfMeasure: Temperature: Β°F Height: in Wind: mph Barometric: inHg
windPhrase: Forecast: Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.
feelsLike_display: 66Β°F
weatherIcon: 20
windgustmph_display: 0 mph
weeklyrainin: 0 in
localSunrise: 7:04
maxdailygust_display: 1.1 mph
maxdailygust_real: 1.1
alertMessage: 1. SPS - Special Weather Statement until TUE 8:15 AM EDT 2. NPW - Dense Fog Advisory from TUE 5:05 AM EDT until TUE 10:00 AM EDT
hourlyrainin_real: 0
dailyrainin: 0 in
humidityin_real: 54
baromabsin: 29.02 inHg
eventrainin_real: 0
dailyrainin_display: 0 in
maxdailygust: 1.1 mph
tempinf_display: 72.1Β°F
totalrainin: 104.24 in
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Hi, @kurtsanders

I’ll proceed to review and document this issue to share it with our engineers. For the moment, please implement the workaround expressed at this post.

Thanks @erickv, I ran into an error with trying to overwrite a published deviceProfile. I posted the results here

I’ve managed to read through this entire thread and also managed to create some custom capabilities, but bug swatting problems is really difficult. Currently I have a capability with a cloud image and a strike through line. What does that mean, or how to debug what the problem is?

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First thing is to check whether you’ve initialized the value of that attribute to something non-null.

Has anyone (outside of SmartThings) actually been able to get to work as expected to β€˜upgrade’ a DTH that worked with ST classic?