As I continue to dig further into my why lights are not as responsive as I’d like, and looking at my live logging, I did come across this post about Zigbee devices:
The (maybe?) relevant information that caught my eye was:
0104 = profile Id or version of Zigbee. Usually is 0104 for Home Automation or C05E for ZLL
If this is true, then looking at my logging, I’m seeing all my bulbs report in as C05E, or in other words, Zigbee Light Link profile and not ZHA profile. What I don’t know is how to use this information to further troubleshoot or attempt to remedy the failures to respond.
Unrelated, I’ve also found that through Amazon Echo, On/Off Commands often go ignored, but Set commands to set dimming level (even to 0% or 100%) are functioning near flawlessly. I don’t want to say perfectly, because I haven’t been testing it long enough, but its reliable enough to raise an eyebrow.