CoRE - Get peer assistance here with setting up Pistons

Regarding #1 that was my first thought, but it just doesn’t seem to fire. The light bulb turns on, is immediately set to 100% and no piston fires. I’ve tested by adding a notification.

Use the Send push notification to contacts. You can choose who gets them


Thanks for the quick response - not sure if I’m just being daft but I can’t see a push notifications to contacts options anywhere? Just the push option that then sends to all?

After rereading your original question, I’m wondering if this a smart bulb which is having its power physically switched on/off via a non-smart switch? If so, I haven’t personally tested something like that.

Ah, that’s exactly the scenario. Thanks for taking the time :slight_smile:

Quick one. I can set the heatingSetpoint attribute of a thermostat from a variable in a task:

Using Thermostat
Load attribute 'heatingSetpoint' from variable {heatingSetpointHome}

But I can’t figure out how to compare the existing value of a thermostat against a variable in a conditional. I want to do something like this:

if heatingSetpoint > {heatingSetpointMax}

(Comparing against a hard-coded value is not a problem, it’s comparing against a variable.

Many thanks!

What’s your thermostat?

It’s the 2gig CT-100 Z-Wave.

Don’t know if this procedure still works, but way back when, the ST mobile app unofficially supported “My Contacts”. You can read up on it here and give it a shot. There are other earlier threads on this, but I can’t seem to find them:

AFAIK, this is the only way to restrict push notifications to yourself as it adds “Send push notification to contacts” in CoRE — works great if you can get it turned on.


Awesome thanks - managed to get it working via the IDE method and just tested and all behaving itself…

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@elf thank you for the link for adding “My Contacts” – fantastic!

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Is there a guide somewhere that explains what the different colors and icons mean on the dashboard? I’m guessing the letter is piston type, but no idea on the colors of the icons or colors inside the piston definition.

Have you enabled Contacts in your ST app? Settings…

@ady624 will my piston self destruct if I modify the max 600 secs for Fade to maybe 1800 ?


I am new to CoRE and I need some assistance with my first piston.

We have an open floorplan between the kitchen and livingroom. The kitchen lamps are controlled by Fibaro motion sensor.

Current configuration: when light is <150 lux lamps are turned on to 30 %. When someone enters the kitchen between 18.30 and 20.30 the lamps are dimmed up to 70 % and dimmed down again after 2 minutes when there is no movemevent anymore.

This is what I want to accomplish (and where I need your assistance): instead of immediately dimming up to 70 % when there is movement, I would like the motion sensor to wait until it has sensed three movements before the lamps are dimmed up.

Thanks in advance!

Never. It may melt though :wink: try it

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K, I tried to fall asleep within the 600 secs but I had to get up and bathroom… lol I know, TMI :smiley:


I looked at the examples for setting the dim level of switches and created a piston that sets the level to 30 between 8:30 PM and Sunrise for the shower lights, which is what we use at night to avoid blinding ourselves. The problem, is that setting the level also turns on the lights. How would I set the level and leave the switch off? I tried adding turn off, but the simulate (changed to not in between to make the time check true) piston doesn’t work as the switch is in the same state.

My goal is to have it set to level 30 after 8:30 PM (kids bedtime) when the switch is off, but if the switch is on, it will wait for it to be turned off in that time frame and then set the level (so the next person isn’t rudely surprised).


I am trying to set a piston that when I arrive home it would change my mode based on executing a routine that sets the mode. Before I add the rest of my modes I want to ensure I am going down the right path.

In the THEN, I set restrictions for the days and time between but I am thinking there should be ORs between each item. So I would have the THEN and something OR something else OR something more.

Real newbie and have a couple ideas, but no idea how.

One is to turn on a siren and then off in a few (x) seconds.

Second is an interval timer, on for x, then off for x, repeat…

Not even sure of what type of piston to use.
