CoRE - Get peer assistance here with setting up Pistons

I’ve been having issues trying to dial in my night mode piston.

What I want is, when all motion has quit, check to see if the TV is off, then make sure the bedroom lamp is off. When all of those things are true, within the time parameters and if we are home, kick to night mode. I’ve done this a few ways but have never quite nailed it. Here’s my most recent attempt…

I don’t believe the initial condition ever happened. We definitely never got to night mode. ANy suggestions on how to better get at what I’m after?


What are reasons why I might want to not use Core heavily instead of ST built functions? Now that I’m getting the hang of it, it’s just so much more flexible it’s hard not to use always. The only reasons I can think of are its more complex and easy to build routines that don’t work the way you think, it’s community built so always risks not being kept up, and not really sure what the memory usage is about. That last one makes me think if I have more than a few I risk poor performance or possibly crashing the app or hub. Thoughts? I know this is a use case help thread so if there is a better spot to post please let me know. Thanks.

Hi All…

Any ideas on this?

It’s starting to make more sense to me, so maybe this is correct. I’m getting stumped on trigger options. I expect to see “then” but only have option for “then if”

Check this post and next two regarding your question about memory.

Have you tried putting all those conditions together in one IF?

Each of Motions inactive for at least 10 mins
TV Outlet power is less than 5W
Bedroom Lamp switch is off

When you choose the basic Piston it has a spot for your IF statement and your THEN. Your new piston looks like it will work now. Have you tested it and does it work how you were expecting it to?

I’ll probably try that next. I had a reason for trying to break it apart the way I did… at least last night. I can’t recall why now.

I’m not home to test, but did more reading and it looks more logical now. Trying to get this one going first, so I don’t have to take the dog out at 4am every day.

I’ve install core version and have it Authorized and Published. If I correctly understand, the first time entering a piston you have to go to marketplace smartapps my apps. When I go there I see core and it tells me “You have not created any pistons yet” when I click add new piston in this area I only get a blank line. Nothing comes up to put in my conditions.
If I go to automations and and try to enter a condition I get the same thing.
Here is a screen shot after trying 4 times to enter a new piston.

anyone have any ideas why

OK. Stage 2 of my notification piston if sensors have stopped working.
I have one piston which tells me if a motion sensor stays reporting motion for over an hour and must therefore be faulty.
I now want a piston that will tell me if the sensor has gone to sleep and will not report anything.
I have tried using the temperature measurement stays the same for 6 hours but that doesn’t seem to work.
Any ideas anybody of how I can achieve this.

Thanks. After reading those and poking around some others I get the picture that each piston has its own memory allotment (100K) so the percent is a percent of its allowed usage. How does that work out to total limit for all pistons? The ones I am building look to take 5-10% so would that mean I have a max of 10-20 pistons assuming they are all that size? Or maybe since they are not always executing its not as simple as that?

I think this is a simple one As follows:
switch -
Is greater than 100w -

Using Location-
Send notification -
Message xxxx -

All works great but I only want one notification - it continues to send notifications.
Presumably there is an option to say “send notification X times”


Try enabling checking ‘execute on piston state change’.

@eibyer Thanks very much! It worked. Appreciated,

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I have just found this.
Will try it now.
Hope it works OK.

that’s weird - probably an error - you don’t have to create any pistons from there, go to the Automations

you can delete the empty ones from the IDE - see if you can add a piston from the Automations tab please…

Is there an easy way to limit a piston to running only once per day or once per time period? If so I am having a hard time finding the correct way to set this up.


I’ve have something similar. I set the piston to set a variable once it triggers and I use that variable in the condition. I then set a timer within the task to reset that variable to off or false (your choice) after 12 hours.

I went into IDE deleted the blank ones. Then on the phone went to automation selected core and then selected Add a Core piston. The cursor blinked for a few second and then nothing. It added another blank spot in IDE.